I wanted to take a moment to share some awards I received and I am finally getting the opportunity to get them up! Receiving an award makes me realize that there are some Theta Moms out there that are really enjoying my blog and that makes me very happy!
Laurie from Guessing All the Way gave me the Friends Award. I really appreciate this award because I feel as though I have made some amazing connections in the blogosphere! If you have not yet seen Laurie (a.k.a Clueless Mama) in action, be sure to check out her blog. She has an adorable new blog design and she’s also hosting some huge giveaways throughout her Keep the Spark Alive Event, so be sure to show her some love! Ally from Pink Flip Flops and Wine also gave me this award, so thank you Ally!
Here are the rules of this award:
– This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming.
– These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends.
– They are not interested in self-aggrandizement.
– Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated.
– Please give more attention to these writers.
– Deliver this award to other bloggers who must choose others to pass it on to and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
– I will pass this award to some of my bloggy friends that I find exceedingly charming…
Raising My 4 Sons
Mommy Words
Diary of a Mad Woman
Frugal Mom Knows Best
Yonca’s Cooking
Jenny from Our Nifty Notebook gave me The Honest Scrap Award. I’ve always seen this award on other blogs and always wanted it, so thank you Jenny! She’s got a great blog, so if you haven’t stopped by her place, be sure you do!
Rules of for the Honest Scrap Award:
List 10 things about yourself and pass it along to 10 other blogs.
Ok, here is my Top 10…
1. I used to be a Dance major in college, before changing majors after my 1st year. I ended up with a double major: Communication and Education.
2. I obsess over keeping a clean house.
3. I used to be an avid reader, and then I had kids.
4. In high school, I drove a red VW Cabriolet. I loved that car.
5. I grew up down the Jersey Shore and spent every summer at the beach.
6. My favorite food is ravioli.
7. I do not function well in the morning without coffee.
8. I never thought that blogging would be so darn addictive!
9. I have been to Europe several times.
10. I would love to travel across our beautiful country someday.
I am passing this award on to:
Lou Lou’s Views
Powell Power
The Kirkland Family
Mimi Bella Boo
It Aint Easy Being Cheesy
Yonca from Yonca’s Cooking and Vicki from Frugal Mom Knows Best gave me The Uplifting Blogger Award! I have to say these two ladies uplift me! They are both AWESOME bloggers who I adore and always so supportive. Be sure to check out their blogs!
Rules with this award:
The Uplifting Blogger Award is given to bloggers who uplift the readers of their blogs. There are no specific instructions for this award. You can give this to anyone you think is a real uplifting blogger!
I am passing this award on to:
5 Kids, 2 Dogs, 1 Lizard and a Hermit Crab
Frumps Findings
Running Away? I’ll Help You Pack
Living in France
The Self Love Project
Sophia’s Mom from The WannabeWAHM gave me The Lovely Blog award. She is always writing something that makes me laugh so go check her out! Lisa from All That and a Box of Rocks also gave me this award. I am a new reader to Lisa’s blog, so I look forward to reading more from her!
The rules of the “One Lovely Blog Award” are:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Here are my ‘newly’ discovered blogs:
Fist Full of Dandelions
Mom’s Mutterings
So To Speak
His, Hers and Ours
The Imperfect Housewife
Vicki at Frugal Mom Knows Best and Amy and Ladi Di from Daily Doses of Mama Drama and Natalee from Raising Normal Kids spread the smile to me. These ladies all make me smile! Love these girls!!!
There are no rules or expectations with this, just the hope that bloggers will pass this on, to however many people they want. The hope that we all have at least one nice thing to say to at least one person. One genuine, nice thing that might make them smile. Or even maybe something to thank them for. Let’s spread the smile to as many faces as possible.
*If you leave a comment on my blog or any other, you deserve the smile, so take it and pay it forward!
Splash Award given by Amy from Keeping Up with The Schultz Family and That One Girl at Hello My Name is Mommy. Amy is such a fun blogger so be sure to swing by her blog and there is no introduction needed for That One Girl because she is just down right hilarious. Always a fun read!
The Splash Award is given to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs.
When you receive this award, you must:
• Put the logo on your blog/post.
• Nominate & link up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
• Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
• Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash Award.
I am splashing the following blogs:
Frantic Mommy
Three B’s and Me
Airing My Dirty Laundry, One Sock at a Time
Let’s Have a Cocktail
Lexie Loo and Dylan, Too
Vicki from The Frugal Mom Knows Best also gave me The Blogger Buddy Award. I’m so honored because Vicki’s been such a great blogging buddy to me as well! In fact, I’ve made a lot of blogging buddies through this little blog of mine, so here are some buddies that I am passing this award to:
How to Survive Life in the Suburbs
The Five Fish
3 Little Ones
My Take On Mommyhood
Super Mommy To the Rescue
This is my first time seeing this award and it was given to me by Ms. Marie at Travelin’ Thru Life With Marie and Staci from Just Bloggled. Be sure to check out both of these bloggers!
Here are the rules:
* Copy the award image above.
* Pass it to the bloggers whom you think are deserving of this award.
* Leave a message to them.
* Pass as many as you want.
* Leave a comment to the person who gave this award.
I am passing this award on to:
Stay At Home Mom, Who Knew
Adventures of the Reluctant Housewife
Haas Family Blessings
Party of Six
Four Sons
Ace from If You Think Round is Funny gave me the Fabulous Award! Her blog is pretty fabulous as well, so thanks again Ace!
Rules for this award:
List 5 current obsessions…
1. Coffee
2. Blogging
3. Tweeting
4. Red Wine
5. Wait, did I mention coffee???
I am passing this award on to…
My Messy Paradise
Domestically Challenged
Mama’s Losin’ It
Two Little Monkeys
Stilettos and Diapers
Ally from Pink Flip Flops and Wine gave me the Over the Top Award! Thanks again Ally!
Here’s how this one works:
USE ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think. Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It’s really hard to use only one-word answers.
1. Where is your cell phone? Here
2. Your hair? Straight
3. Your mother? Beautiful
4. Your father? Honest
5. Your favorite food? Ravioli
6. Your dream last night? Crazy
7. Your favorite drink? Coffee
8. Your dream/goal? Magical
9. What room are you in? Kitchen
10. Your hobby? Blogging
I am passing this award on to:
Twenty Something Momma
Closing Time
The Ramblings of a Crazy Mom
Write Expressions
A Blonde Ambition
Molly from I’m a Sleeper Baker gave me the Loyal Award! I appreciate this so much Molly! Momma Such from Raising My 4 Sons also passed this my way. Thanks Momma Such! Both of these ladies are awesome!
This award is for loyal followers and friends of your blog. I pass this along to the following women who have always been so loyal to me:
ACU’s, Stiletto Shoes and Pretty Pink Tutus
Young Wives Tale
Propeller Head Mom
A Nut in a Nutshell
The Grown Up Child
Guessing All the Way
Thanks again ladies for supporting my blog and my mission of a Theta Mom! When I started this blog I wanted to build a community among mothers everywhere, and I think maybe, just maybe, I am beginning to do just that.