I was recently thinking about a post I co-wrote a few months ago. Basically, the question was asked whether we are women or mothers first – and reflecting back on that initial question it got me thinking for a moment more about this blog.
Almost every single published post at Theta Mom has been in some way related to motherhood. Big surprise, huh? I know, quite a shock considering the title of this blog is called Theta MOM and motherhood actually is an integral part and focus of the overall mission {which, for the record, I am damn proud of}… but, sometimes I feel as though I am cutting myself too short. Not every post has to be about motherhood because there is more to me as a woman than just motherhood itself and THAT is part of redefining the role of motherhood, isn’t it?
I am more than a mother; I am a complete person and before I gave birth to two beautiful children, I was a vibrant woman.
I still am a vibrant woman.
I am also a wife, daughter, sister, teacher, friend, and the list goes on…
I still have my own dreams, wants, needs and goals without the word “mother” attached to them. I can still remember that little girl who dreamt about walking down the aisle to marry the boy of her dreams. Part of me has recollections of that teenager who experienced her very first date. Deep inside, I still remember that young, beautiful woman about to enter college and the same woman who began an amazing professional career.
That woman is still me and there are times I need to remind myself of her.
Between diaper changes, making lunches, doing the laundry and moving through the daily grind of motherhood, I need to awaken the notion that I am a whole woman with dreams of my own in addition to being a good mother.
I am more than a mother; I am a complete woman who happens to live a blessed life raising two beautiful children but that doesn’t have to mean that my own wants and needs as a woman have to end. It just means that life is more interesting as I navigate my way through this journey called motherhood.
Maybe it’s about time I began writing and reminding the world (as well as myself) that I am a woman and a mother – because sometimes, my life is far more complex and interesting than just another nightly serving of mac and cheese.