I am certainly not the first blogger to write about this topic nor will I be the last. In fact, other bloggers have written about this (some even about me) so I thought maybe it was time I shed my own opinion on the subject of blog envy.
The questioning begins: How does she get THAT many followers? Why did THAT post get so many comments? Why didn’t I get an invite to THAT event? How did she land THAT sponsorship?
Then the self-doubt sets in: What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I reach success the same way I see other bloggers doing it? Am I not savvy enough? Smart enough? Funny enough?
Good enough?
Well, the reality is, success in this crazy bloggity blog world is defined by each and every one of us differently, but when you work endless hours and the rewards don’t come as quickly as you would like, disappointment and self-doubt begin to set in when you watch as other bloggers move ahead. I get tons of emails from other bloggers with the thoughts I just presented above and many are looking for some advice as they make their way through this journey…
Here’s my take: We’ve ALL been there from time to time. I don’t care how “big” of a blogger you think you are or people think you are, every blogger goes through some sort of blog “envy” at some point. And if they don’t admit to it they aren’t telling you the whole truth.
Many look at me and think I have this whole thing together – landing some fabulous partnerships, unique opportunities and such. But two things you have to remember:
I didn’t just purchase a domain, write some quality content and expect to be given some amazing opportunities. I had to work for it because nothing is handed out in the blogosphere. Establishing an influential and reputable online presence takes years of hard work and those that have the book deals, magazine articles and amazing opportunities did not publish their first post yesterday. These bloggers have earned respect which has been a process in the making for longer than you think.
Do some really talented writers get overlooked? Of course they do. Are there some really popular blogs that you kind of wonder how they reached superstar status? Perhaps. But for the majority of us, there is no free hall pass and every single comment, tweet, sponsorship and paid opportunity has to be earned.
I wouldn’t be sharing the whole truth if I said I still didn’t get blog envy from time to time. Sometimes, I also experience some self-doubt when I see the hashtag of an off site event on Twitter in which I didn’t get an invite to, or a brand sponsorship that I thought would have happened to me, and the list goes on…The point is, just when you think a “big” blogger has seen or done it all, trust me, there’s an even bigger blogger than her doing bigger and better things. It’s just kind of how this bloggity blog world operates and you have to learn to stay motivated and passionate about what you’re doing and roll with it.
So, the takeaway here? When you begin to feel stressed out, envious or doubtful about your own blog by comparing yourself to THAT blogger, instead, support THAT blogger. That’s right. Be happy to see THAT blogger reach a level of success because she damn well deserves it. The fact of the matter is, the more you give in this space, the more you get. And then some.
Stay true to who YOU are and remind yourself that there’s nobody like YOU in this space. Continue to pursue your passion, play fair, work hard, and support the likes of others along the way.
With the time and hard work I dedicate to this thing, do I think I deserve some of that awesome superstarness too?
My time will come, as long as I continue to be supportive of others and work hard. I’m here to stay because I’ve earned my right to be here.
And that’s just how it rolls.