Heading to BlogHer and feeling excited? Maybe a little anxious or nervous about what to expect? Take it from me, I attended last year and there are some things you should know before you attend one of the BIGGEST conferences of the year…I am sharing ten rules to live by, especially if you are a newbie:
1. Don’t go it alone. Bring a friend or be sure to be to make plans with someone else. You are about to step foot into a sea of THOUSANDS of bloggers (which for the record, mommy bloggers only represent a percentage of the folks who will be there. Add in the fashion bloggers, foodie bloggers, photography bloggers, frugal bloggers, craft bloggers, and the list goes on) so if you don’t have a game plan as to how and with whom you are going to spend your time, you may feel a bit lost. Be sure to connect with at least ONE other person before attending this conference.
2. Get specific cell phone numbers of about 10 bloggers you REALLY want to connect with. In a massive sea of thousands of bloggers, you will not get to meet everyone you are hoping to meet. I guarantee it. Right now, you’re probably tweeting, “Can’t wait to see you at BlogHer” and “So excited we will finally meet at BlogHer” but the reality is, there’s a BIG chance you won’t meet up at BlogHer. Your list of cell phone numbers should be your short list; a select group of people who you are flying miles across the country to meet. The #BlogHer11 twitter stream that entire weekend will be crazy and it will be hard for you to keep up, so having cell phone numbers and actually dialing the person you want to meet is much more effective. {Believe it or not, I was calling and texting those peeps in the SAME room STILL trying to find them. Yes, this conference is THAT big}.
3. Make sure your Avatar is up-to-date (within the last year or so). If your avi displays long blonde hair and yours is now brown and short, people are NOT going to recognize you and when you meet someone for the first time, all they have to go on from memory is your little avatar – so make sure it represents the real YOU and not the little hottie you used to be like 15 years ago.
4. Put your ego in check. Not everyone is going to “recognize” you. Again, you will be attending this conference among thousands of bloggers so unless you are @Dooce, you’re probably not going to be easily recognized and this will happen over the entire course of the conference. Yes, this conference is THAT big.
5. Make a schedule. Be sure to print out all of the sessions, activities and private parties (including specific room numbers and addresses of each) to have an idea of what you are doing each day by the hour. Of course this may change and you may not even follow this schedule altogether BUT at least you will have an idea of what the hell you are doing. If you don’t have an itinerary in your hand you will be wasting some valuable time standing outside of sessions, looking confused and trying to figure out where you want to go – have that ALL mapped out before you even board the plane.
6. Plan outfits and jewelry ahead of time. I know this sounds crazy, but you will agonize over what to wear if you bring 5,000 choices. Pack knowing in advance what you plan to wear for EACH conference day (including what to wear at night for the parties) so that you aren’t wasting precious time in your hotel room over what to wear. Having outfits planned ahead is one less thing you’ll have to think about when you are actually there.
7. Don’t worry about the parties that you didn’t invites to. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing but YOU. I guarantee you didn’t get into every A-list party and you know what? You are not alone. There are tons of other bloggers who are in the same boat and the conference itself offers their own parties each night so you will always have somewhere to go. Don’t get hung up on what you think others bloggers are doing. Just have a good time with the bloggers and the groups YOU are with.
8. Wear flip-flops. Nobody, I repeat, nobody will be looking at your feet. In fact, everyone will be checking out your chest because they’ll be squinting when they come up to say hello as they try to read the little name tag that’s plastered across your boobs. You will be walking more at this conference than you have in the last month so be sure to wear something comfortable since nobody will be looking at your feet!
9. Let go of your expectations. Don’t have ANY pre-conceptions or expectations about this conference. As my mother always taught me, “Expect nothing and you shall never be disappointed.”
10. Have fun. Bottom line? This conference is the chance of a lifetime – the odds of attending a conference of this magnitude may not come around again for you for another couple of years – so be sure to enjoy it and make the most of every single minute you are there.
Feel left out already since you are not attending this year? No worries, because my bloggy friends Liz and Jessica have put together a really fun online event that will give you the chance to linkup and meet some new bloggers who are also not attending!
{Follow the hashtag #SummerBlogSocial on Twitter and check out their links for full deets! They even provide specific writing prompts to get this party started, so be sure to join in!} And if you are attending BlogHer, have a blast and give everyone a big hug for me!