Theta Mom® is a leader in the mom blogging community because of the unique combination of honest posts relating to motherhood including an authentic perspective of the Theta Mom® experience. Theta Mom® is considered an influential blog with a very loyal following. Fox Small Business Center, Women Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur all named Theta Mom® as a top social media site for Mompreneurs. In addition, Theta Mom® continues to establish effective brand partnerships forming an influential online presence promoting women in business. There are many advertising options available at Theta Mom® to fit your business needs and budget.
If you would like information on how to get your business, product or service featured at Theta Mom® please inquire via email. For sponsorship, social media packages, ad space or other business opportunities, please contact Heather Reinhard, the owner of Theta Mom Media, LLC via email: media{at}thetamom{dot}com.

Heather is best known for cultivating community and generating specific brand messaging through brand ambassador programs. Currently, she leads twenty-two of the most influential digital moms in the industry.
Heather is also raising two very active young children. She is always in the market for great quality products that are useful and practical to her life as a Theta Mom®. Is your product or service a good fit for Theta Mom®? Does it relate to areas of parenting, education, lifestyle or technology?
By performing reviews, Heather can properly inform and educate the readership of this blog about such specific products and services, while communicating how this would be of value to them as Theta Moms. She will post honest opinions of the product which is written and edited by her. Hosting giveaways also helps the readership of this site to better understand these products and services, which in turn makes them educated consumers. Furthermore, by allowing a reader to win a product of choice actually helps to generate customers for your company while giving Theta Mom® readers the opportunity to try out your products!
If you think your business is a good fit for Theta Mom® Heather would love to chat with you! Be sure to connect with Theta Mom® via any social media platform by clicking on the blue icons in the sidebar on the home page.
Do you still want to learn more about Heather Reinhard? Visit her full profile on LinkedIn and let’s collaborate. PR is always welcome at Theta Mom®.