At the start of 2005, I found myself balling on the floor of my local Barnes and Noble. There I was feeling fat, confused and totally alone.
I was a newly pregnant woman reading a copy of Jennie McCarthy’s Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth since blogging was nearly non-existent at that time. I was sobbing both from laughter and fear from the words on the pages that were glaring at me.
Back then, I didn’t have other moms to turn to.
I didn’t have other women to share in my pregnancy woes because my “mom friends” who had children before me were the kind who had belly sculptures taken of themselves and loved EVERY moment of pregnancy. Yeah, THOSE moms.
I was miserable.
I felt totally alone.
And I am not ashamed to admit that I hated every second of being pregnant.
The only comfort I was able to find was sitting at the bottom of a book shelf at that Barnes and Noble and I must tell you at that time, there wasn’t a huge selection of “truthful” experiences about pregnancy and if you were looking for an honest take on motherhood? It was nowhere to be found.
The thing is, it was early 2005 – a time when blogging was *just* beginning to emerge. If only I was a first-time pregnant mama at a time when blogging was readily available and widely accessed – if only back then did I know there were other Theta Moms and Scary Mommies out there…
Fast forward to the summer of 2009 and once upon a time, I started a blog. One of the very first blogs I found and began reading religiously was by a woman named Jill Smokler called Scary Mommy.
I was immediately drawn into her blog from the very first post I read. She always wrote about what I was thinking as a mom but perhaps too timid to admit myself. She posted about the torturous moments of motherhood we all go through in a hilarious way – her blog dripped with sarcasm and I loved it. She also knew how to take those ugly mommy moments and somehow make me laugh. She also had me weeping at posts that pulled at the heart strings.
I kept returning to her blog again and again because she was REAL. She even knew how to take those raw moments and little unknown facts about motherhood and present them in a way that made me relate to her time and time again. I always left her blog feeling a little more connected to other moms knowing I was NOT alone.
And now, she has taken her blog to new heights since she has written her first book, Confessions of a Scary Mommy which hit bookshelves April 3rd.
Confessions of a Scary Mommy is a MUST READ for every woman who is about to embark on this crazy journey called motherhood or one that is deep in the trenches already. This book will make you feel like you aren’t crazy, that other women have the same experiences as you and most importantly – you are NOT alone in this thing called motherhood. You can purchase a copy here.
Jill is without a doubt my Jennie McCarthy of today. She knows just how to make you laugh and feel as though you are not alone in this book. And now, you have the chance to give a fellow Scary Mommy the gift of knowing she is part of something so much bigger than she even thought possible – and she’ll be laughing all the way through her pregnancy and beyond.
I’m a big believer in supporting brands and people that I love – which is why I am giving away a copy of Confessions of a Scary Mommy to one lucky Theta Mom® reader!
***This contest is now closed. Congratulations Andrea! An email has been sent.
As for giveaway rules? Well, I made this super easy for you.
Simply follow my blog and leave a comment sharing one of YOUR very own motherhood confessions. Copy/paste the following and tweet for an extra entry:
I want to win a copy of Confessions of @ScaryMommy I just entered the #giveaway @ThetaMom
This contest is open to US residents, ages 18+ and will close on Friday, April 13th. A winner will be selected via {The winner must have a valid email address and claim the prize within 48 hours. Otherwise, another winner will be chosen}.
Theta Mom® abides by word of mouth marketing standards and believes in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. I was provided a copy of Confessions of a Scary Mommy to facilitate this post and of course, I adore Jill so she fully has my support! She has paved the way for so many bloggers so if you don’t win a copy here at Theta Mom®, be sure to purchase a copy for yourself and recommend the book to other Theta Moms that you know!
Jill’s blog was one of the first I started reading even before starting my blog. That she has accomplished so much is truly inspiring.
Go all Scary Mommies!
It’s funny because I think that a lot of us started out reading Scary Mommy as one of our first blogs. I know that when I started I didn’t realize how ‘big’ she was, how many other people read her blog, and it was amazing! I knew that I wanted to do something like that. I’m not there that’s for sure! But it’s been fun trying.
Does locking your baby and the keys in the car with the car (with it running) while you run your other kid into preschool count? Because that was truly one of those moments….
Love her blog! Motherhood confession: I once locked myself out of the house when my son was inside in his high chair. Luckily we had a back sliding door and he was able to escape from his high chair and help me get it open. I didn’t want to have to use my neighbor’s phone to explain that one to his dad!
(Btw, blog follower donnyandshelly)
I think we all have a bit of a scary mommy in us. Or a scared one, at least. My mommy moment was early on. I went to the doctor with my daughter with a beautiful new diaper bag. And no diapers. Seriously. Her first appt. No diapers. SHe wasn’t even a week old. I was devastated. My husband didn’t think it was that bad. I thought it was horrible!
Just getting into the whole blogging space, so I’m enjoying the discovery process and finding all of these wonderful women.
Motherhood Confession: Relied on the Baby Bjorn all of the time with baby#2 and bonked his poor sweet head too many times to count passing through doors and such. No permament damage!
forgot twitter
I follow your blog. One of my scary moments was when I fell down the subway stairs wearing my one year old in her carrier. She was fine but I ended up with a fractured ankle.
I tweeted the giveaway:!/HarlemLoveBirds/status/187543658793410560
I love Jill. I’ve read her blog since the day she started it. She is awesome.
Scary Mommy short version~ I once dropped my son on his face on the pavement when he was 6 months old. Good thing their bones are still rubber-like at that age.
Scary mommy, wow, don’t know. I find I get very frustrated and I yell when I’m frustrated. My kids just stare at me and don’t say a word. Then I realize what I am doing and apologize to them and they give me hugs and kisses and tell me it’s OK. WOW, amazing that they are wonderful caring children LOL
I’ve already bought my copy so please don’t enter me in the drawing but just wanted to say YES, I love Jill’s blog and hope her book is a smash hit!
I tweeted.!/SeekingGrace316/status/187591621917945856
Love this post and Scary Mommy! I’d love to win her book. I have scary experiences everyday raising an 11 year old boy and 21 month old month boy. Talk about different ends of the spectrum! Thanks for the chance to win!
I’m not a fan of the “big bloggers” and, thus, am only now getting into Jill’s blog based on the word-of-mouth hype generated by her book. And I’m loving it! Sure, she’s a “big blogger,” but she seems so genuine and nice and accessible. Exactly what I look for in a blog.
As for a motherhood confession, I’ll admit that I just don’t like free play. Blocks, Legos, tea parties, play-doh, coloring… they all make me very twitchy and I find myself anxiously looking at the clock and/or thinking about my never-ending to-do list (or, yes, my blog). I much prefer spending time with my daughter reading books or running errands or hanging out at the park. But I have no idea why I can’t just let go and just enjoy some damn free play!
I tweeted!
December 2010, I was coming down the stairs while holding my son. He was 1 yr & 3 mos at the time. The last 2 steps, I slipped, went up in the air and fell really hard on the wood floors. I was holding my son, so I couldn’t brace myself and all I could think of was to protect him. My husband saw this happening and wanted to try and catch us before we fell. Well, he jumped over a baby gate, but his leg got caught. He dislocated his knee cap and I broke my tail bone. Thankfully, our son was perfectly fine. Neither my husband or I could move and both in agonizing pain. We are fortunate enough to have my IL’s 5 minutes down the road, so we managed to get one of our cell phones and my FIL was over within a few minutes. Crazy, but now funny.
We were in the same boat in 2005! I could’ve totally used this blog and Scary Mommy back then!
A confession: I strongly dislike imaginative play, specifically playing house. As a SAHM, I don’t want to pretend cleaning and doing laundry and making food. I do that stuff for real. I’m sure as hell not wanting to do it for pretend, too. I love my daughter, but she needs a sane mommy, you know?
I haven’t read her blog, but after reading your comments I will. I’m so glad to hear other moms feel the same way I do about “playing”. I pay babysitters to get on the trampoline with the kids because I like it for about 3 minutes and they want to be there for 3 hours. Seriously, a seat drop or two is enough and then I want coffee and a little Twitter.
I am a follower and here is my confession: There will be a week in June where Hubby will be out of town and DD will be spending a week with my parents and I will have the entire house to myself. I feel guilty that I’m really REALLY looking forward to it!
I tweeted!