I often receive emails from bloggy friends and tweeps asking me how I manage it all. You know, the whole working from home thing, being a mom to two children under five and maintaining this blog as well as staying active in social media. Quite frankly, it’s a total juggling act every single day.
By nature, I am a very task-oriented and driven individual. I’m also very Type A when it comes to organization. However, you can be the most organized person but if many distractions interfere as you try to accomplish daily goals then you won’t end up being as productive.
We are all given the same amount of time every day so it’s how you choose to spend this time that makes all the difference. I had to take a step back and assess how I achieve daily tasks I set for myself and find ways to save time while cutting back in the process. I also live a life outside of this online world so time to myself and my family must also be infused into the equation.
When you work from home, sometimes this area is very muddy for we are always accessible. It’s a fine line that we walk which is why it’s essential that you decide when it’s the “right” time to work with the realization that you can integrate this into your daily routine in a healthy way.
I recently implemented a few rules that I developed for myself that actually work for me and in the process, I’ve been able to get rid of a lot wasted time. Furthermore, I have learned to lessen the noise in my life which has also helped me to become more productive. Here are my three secrets that can help you strike a balance as well:
1. Limit How Often You Check Your Email: Put the smart phone down for a moment and really think about how often you check your email. Actually, most emails are not of an urgent nature and can wait a few hours. I used to check my email 8-10 times a day. I was checking it during snack time, in between conference calls and basically any “free” moment I had. This was totally counter-productive because when I opened the emails, I didn’t have a true block of time at that moment to actually respond, so I ended up having to do it later in the day anyway! By forcing myself to ONLY check it a few times a day, I actually save myself time in the end. I know it will be really hard to do this at first but the rewards are plentiful.
2. Make Daily To-Do Lists to Stay on Task: I actually handwrite and prioritize what I need to do on each given day. The key to implementing the list effectively is whatever does not get done by the end of the day is the FIRST thing to be placed on the new list for the next day. It’s also important to note that the list should be prioritized with all tasks that must be completed by the end of the day toward the top of the list. It takes me roughly ten minutes to create the list each day (which I recommend drafting the night before so you anticipate the next day’s activities and schedule) and it’s the most organized, productive and well spent ten minutes. I highly recommend it.
3. Write Uninterrupted and Without Distractions: I sit in a quiet space with my computer and write when I have a decent chunk of uninterrupted time. I can’t sit down to write an effective blog post in between snack time, nap time and one million interruptions. So I write early in the morning while my kids are still asleep or late in the evening after I put them to bed. Not only is this therapeutic (doing something I love to do in peace and quiet) but since I don’t have to move off task every three seconds, I end up saving myself a whole lot of time. This also means that I write without distractions, though. I make sure I am not on Twitter, Facebook or the internet that may detract me from the goal of finishing a piece. Honestly, this is another trick that has saved me tons of time in the end.
Those are my three time management and “lessening the noise” secrets which help me to strike some sort of daily balance. What are some of the things that work for you?
Checking my email- I’m horrible about that. With my blackberry, that little light goes off and I think I HAVE to check. But, the reality is that no one will think I’m rude if I don’t immediately reply to every single email. A few hours is perfectly acceptable.
I’m super anal about my to-do list. I do it for the week, but I’m thinking I might make a master list of things that need to get done for the week and then smaller lists for each day. My favorite part of the to-do list is crossing it off, which is why I still hand write mine as well, it’s just not as gratifying to click a check mark. Great tips.
Great tips !!
I also think it’s important to remember that for every one thing you say ‘yes’ to – you are saying ‘no’ to something else. For example, I find that highly productive people don’t spend much time watching TV or shopping for leisure etc.
I agree wholeheartedly with the last one. One thing that I have learned is to only write when I can REALLY sit down and write. Otherwise, I spend more time getting up from the computer and then regaining my train of thought that I may as well not do it at all. And social media is a HUGE distraction when trying to write a post. Great tips!
The quick & easy access we have to email and such makes it so tempting to check constantly! I know I am guilty of it as well! I like your to-do list tip. I am a big list maker…but don’t do one daily. I like the idea of putting yesterdays unfinished tasks as first priority the next day. Laundry would be atop my list every day then! Ha!
I think in order to manage it all successfully, you need to be able to do a few things at once. I can check email, write a blog post, make lunch, throw in a load of laundry, and unload the dishwasher in a span of 20 minutes. Multi-tasking at its best!
I am always checking my email, and you’re right, what a waste of time! A handwritten list is essential to my day and I go through more sticky notes than I care to admit. But having a rough outline of what you need to do really helps. You have it all layed out in front of you, and can portion out your “spare time” accordingly.
Thank you for the great advice!
Thanks for the tips. Time management is so important!
While I know you are SO RIGHT about the phone, I’m horrible about it. I swear that thing is like another limb or something. I think this week I just might have to take your advice and stick to it…see what happens…the worst that could happen is I don’t stop checking it right?!
I would love to do ALL three! Not sure I can put down the phone. INTERVENTION.
That is my #1 problem when trying to finish a blog post: I am on TWITTER!!! I get so distracted! I wish I could wake up early and have some computer time before the kids get up but I just like sleep way too much. At night, hubs is always nagging me to come to bed so I am actually struggling with finding good computer. Sigh…
Great advice! I’ll have to keep it in mind, if I ever land a part-time gig from home!
I don’t check my e-mail often and it really stacks up. It takes forever to wade through.
Good tips all around. I never attempt to write unless I can truly focus too. I do my writing on Monday afternoons while my son is at school. I’m definitely guilty of checking my email too often though. That’s one to work on!
SaucyB’s last blog… Make Me Laugh Monday
Along with closing out my email, I find that if I close out twitter, too, that helps even more.
Same thing for me as far as writing goes. I try to read posts when the girls are around because I don’t need a consistent train of thought.
What a great post, you’re always so helpful.
I need to break the email habit! I keep my phone right above my keyboard on the desk to check and swipe my finger across the screen every time I sit back down, even if I’ve only been in the ladies room for a minute or two. I tell myself that it’s to check for texts from my husband, buuut not always! Half the time it’s junk anyway!
Agreed on all counts! Especially closing out of distracting programs like Twitter when trying to write a good piece. No matter how much I enjoy what I’m working on, as a full-time writer I know how easy it is to get off course. Your work suffers for it as much as your schedule.
Thanks Heather! This is something I’m really craving right now…balance. I love the daily to do list and writing when you have uninterrupted time. I get so grouchy during the day knowing I need and want to write but can’t yet until after bedtime. I need to be better about that.
Good advice. Because I do work part-time, I’m not home in the mornings, but as soon as I get home, I check and I check and I check. A couple of months ago I set some serious limits on this. I let myself check my email once after my kids wake up from naps and once before bed. That’s it! Wow, I get a lot more done, and I am a lot less crabby!
Really helpful tips! I also do a handwritten task list but I cross off as things get done. I’m going to start making a new one every day. What I find the hardest is juggling all the reading/commenting/responding to emails and, because my blog is still new, researching the how-tos, the designing etc… YOur email tip is great! I definitely waste time reading emails I don’t have time to respond to….
Hmmmm….can’t imagine who would have sent you an email like that??? Hee-hee.
I have definitely started the to do list thing and it is working great. I have a must do, can do, and want to do. That is for “real”life, online stuff, etc.
But have not cut back on email checking. I like that one and will put that into play ASAP!
Oh I’m HORRIBLE when it comes to CONSTANTLY checking my e-mails, especially from my Smartphone! This is the main reason my phone dies so soon and needs to be resuscitated from email app death! I need to allot an email time because even with my OTHER job, people now assume I’ll answer right away because they’re used to me replying back right away. I THOUGHT I was being productive answering things right away but then I find I’ve done NOTHING but emails most of the day. VERY COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE as you say. Something else I need to do better at is scheduling good writing block times and doing NOTHING but writing during uninterrupted times like when everyone’s asleep. Working on it, but definitely need to do better.
Thanks for the reminder! (Now let me go back to work since I interrupted myself to check my e-mail and thus come here to chat…lol)
Such good advice!
I used to be very structured and then I got away from that. And I was miserable. And my kids were miserable. I have re-instituted the structure, and everyone is happier for it!
It’s like you are speaking directly to me. Why do I feel the need to check my email constantly? I always leave it up as the most visible thing on my computer, so I can see if there is just one more as I walk by it throughout the day. Who cares about that one stupid FB comment or what is most likely junk mail?
With 3 kids under 3, I can tell when I an uber distracted by my computer — because my kids are whinier and crazier when they can tell I am distracted. And you’re right — it’s rarely something that can’t wait, and spending time with them is more important. So I often just shut it (sooo hard, but why???) so it doesn’t attract my attention. I still have a hard time finding quiet time to write though. It seems like when I try to get up early, that’s when the baby wakes up early. If I try to do it at night (after baths, bed, dishes, laundry, etc) my, ahem, 4th child gets a little whiney. I’m seriously considering becoming a night owl.
Something I tried today was I sat down and told myself I had 10 minutes to work on a specific project and NOTHING else. Working from home can keep you sufficiently distracted, we need to be extra organized with our time.
Great post!
These are all really great suggestions. My life is very chaotic right now and I do find it very hard to accomplish my bloggy goals. It’s hard, too, because right now there is no real benefit to anyone but me so it’s hard to convince my family that this is important enough to block of time for. But we’re getting there, one step at a time!
Great ideas and ones I will definitely follow esp. the email checking.
i am the worst at “multi tasking”… i get distracted easily. my job is so busy that i only check my personal email in the morning and night. and with a broken laptop and only having short amount of time on the other computer, i have been really limited… and therefore productive!!
I admit it I’m an e-mail checker whore
I feel shame lol. I need to do the uninterrupted writing thing too (you hear that Sam! Don’t interrupt me while I’m writing!) LOL.
Those are great tips, especially the email one! I only allow myself to check my email twice a day now!
Thanks for these great tips. It’s discouraging how distracted, unfocused and unproductive I am as a SAHM (that’s trying to blog amongst other things). I’m going to try to put these into practice.
That’s exactly how I felt, especially unfocused. When my daughter would nap I would waste time wondering what I should do first. Simply making a list as suggested above is really helpful.
I swear you are in my head! I just sat down to write a post about prioritizing my time, creating a schedule, etc. I feel like I am everywhere and I need to get more organized, plus I have been slacking on visiting blogs and commenting. Great tips!!!
Great tips. When I worked from home last year I tried to do many of the same things. My blog was my downfall, as was facebook. It’s why I’m not on Twitter… I just don’t need another excuse to be on the computer!
I love rule #2! I’ve started making lists and I get so much more accomplished throughout the day.
These are exactly the things I’ve been telling myself that would help me get through the day more easily!
I agree – I waste way too much time checking email and letting myself get distracted with mindless internet surfing. But, still, can’t you figure out a way to add more time to the day? 😉