Tegu blocks are revolutionary wooden blocks because of the powerful magnets hidden inside them. When children (and even adults) get their hands on these blocks they usually cannot put them down! The philosophy at Tegu is that true imagination and innate creativity is a child’s best friend and these two elements come to life when children play with these blocks especially because of the magnetization. Pottery Barn Kids and other fine stores now carry this product nationwide.
Tegu all started with an idea by two brothers, Chris and Will Haughey. Chris was brainstorming the question, “Could we create a for-profit company based in Honduras that would foster a positive social impact through its business?” In 2006, Chris posed that question during a work trip to Honduras where he reconnected in Tegucigalpa with friends dedicated to a wonderful humanitarian project. This ignited the idea that would eventually become Tegu, “a toy business founded to address unemployment, neglected natural resources and the need for entrepreneurship in Honduras.”
I was given a full wooden set of Tegu blocks to experiment with my kids and the results were nothing short of amazing. This product is geared toward ages 3+ but I have to tell you, even my two year-old daughter loved these blocks! Although she couldn’t really verbalize and express exactly what she was building, she had fun watching the blocks “stick” together through the magnetization! So, of course I can’t leave out the beautiful design made by my two year-old which she calls, “Mah bocks” {translation: My blocks}
My 5 year-old son not only had a blast but he is at that wonderful creative stage where he can use his imagination and make his designs really “come to life.” What I also love about the mission behind Tegu is that these blocks truly foster a child’s natural creativity since the sets do not come with instructions on how to build something – this truly allows the child to build on their own and lets their creativity take them to new heights! You can purchase any set of Tegu blocks through their product page. The full 52 piece set retails for $100. It’s the perfect gift for any child on your list this holiday season!
Two of my son’s favorite creations were the giraffe that was soon blocked by a wall:
And the soccer player about to kick the soccer ball:
What’s even more exciting is that beginning today through the end of December Tegu is actually going live by broadcasting streaming video of a real builder playing with the blocks which will allow YOU to experience the magic of Tegu blocks as if they were right in front of your own eyes! You will have the opportunity to interact with the builder and upon request the builder will create specific requests live via Twitter and Facebook! How awesome is that?
Beginning at 1 pm (ET) today, tweet @Tegu of what YOU would like to see built. Then Tegu will tweet you with a link to the video that you can share with your friends! Or just send them your own pictures and video of you and your family and friends playing with Tegu blocks and they may just feature it on Tegu Live! So get your ideas ready and begin to tweet and share on Facebook with the Tegu team during this very exciting new launch! We can’t wait to see what YOU come up with!
I was provided a full set of the Original Tegu blocks along with two Discovery Sets and a Travel Tote to facilitate this review. These are my own, honest opinions about the product which are reflective of my childrens’ experiences.
I have to say that those look amazing and I love the entire concept behind the business model! Fantastic! My kids would love these and I think I’d have to hide them from my hubbins, lol.
You know what’s so funny Rebekah – my hubs IS probably more addicted than my kids! 😉
*love* classic, classy toys like these! and your kids’ creations? priceless!
Those look amazing my kids would LOVE them! And so would I!
They totally would!!!
My hubby and I were just talking about getting the boys new blocks, and these look great! I might just have to add this to their Christmas list!
It would keep them totally occupied and even the hubs will like them!!
My son would love these!
They are great!!
Oh, my boys would love these! How cool!
They would really love them!
Those look so cool, my son would love those!
They are addictive! 😉
Those are very cool! Magnets – what a great idea!
Yes, the magnets are what make these block so unique!!
Oh these look fabulous! How were these not around when we were kids:)
I know, right?!
My kids just had the opportunity to use these at a local art program we go to. They absolutely loved them. The owner of the center said she is trying to get Tegu to come do some workshops there. I can’t wait!
I LOVE those Tegu blocks!! I sell them in my Open Sky shop!
I love the whole idea – how cool. Blocks are amazing. They’re such a great learning tool, even for older kids – a great way to practice math skills through play. I’ll check them out!
These sounds like great toys for children who would be easily frustrated by falling blocks.
I can’t believe I missed this yesterday (was out of the house all day) because these look amazing!! Peanut is only 20 months old, but I feel like she would love them!
I really love these because they are so versatile and the fact that they have magnets is pure genius! I know my kids would love these.