In a sea of thousands upon thousands of bloggers, it is seemingly getting more and more challenging to draw in a loyal fan base, especially for new bloggers. With so many good blogs out there to read and so little time, YOU want to be one of the blogs on everyone’s “must read” list so you have to think about setting yourself apart from the many blogs that are already out there…
Here are the five rules I live by since I began this blog that seem to be the necessary elements consistent with maintaining a successful blog:
The Five B’s of Blogging:
1. Be relevant: We have all heard from the pros that it’s important to find your niche and know your audience. I think the more critical aspect of this idea is to be relevant. Who wants to read about topics that are clearly not interesting or posts that have no meaning or purpose? Keep content placed in an authentic context for your readers. This is a great way to bring readers back as you write about topics that they can relate to. Blog about ideas that will create meaning for your readers; you want your posts to resonate with your audience and keeping the content relevant will help you to achieve that.
2. Be original: Nobody wants to read a blogger that appears and sounds like an already established blogger. Everything should be unique from blog design down to the core of the writing. Keep your blog authentic and original. Don’t ever try to be like another blogger – it.just.won’ Original bloggers are successful because they are original. Make your own mark in the blogosphere and make it count. Nobody likes a copy-cat.
3. Be thought-provoking: Whether your writing is rich with sarcasm, filled with humor or dripping with raw honesty, stick to what you know and do it well. Know your own voice and make it work for you. You want readers to walk away thinking about your post. Some of my best posts have come from thought-provoking ideas that generate discussion in the blogosphere and these are the kind of posts that have made an impact and gave first time visitors a reason for returning.
4. Be engaging: Stay active in conversation with your readers. Constantly make connections and make yourself available through social media. Ask questions within a post or encourage readers to begin a dialogue about the current discussion. Strike up conversation on Twitter and reach out to your audience. Showing your readers that you are available and that you want the interaction will keep them engaged as well.
5. Be yourself: Own your content. Be confident in yourself and what you publish. Know who you are and what you stand for. Set your own ground rules and live by them. Don’t ever compromise your integrity as a person, writer or blogger just for the sake of a post. Maintaining your readers’ trust is everything, so continue to define your own space and blog about the things that you are passionate about. Stay true to who you are throughout this process and this will easily translate to your readers.
Do any of these strategies make your list? As a blogger, what advice have you found to be useful?
Totally True.
I’d like to add one. Be positive!
Don’t complain alot AND bring other bloggers down on your blog.
It’s not nice and you wouldn’t want it done to you so don’t do it to others.
I totally agree. I think there’s room to share a bit when you’re down about something, but overall I read to bring sunshine into my day . . . not clouds.
I agree. I always try not to pour my negativity over something on my blog posts.
Every single one of these points is so true and so valuable! Great list!
Actually, I think #5 needs to be #1. Because a lot of people can lose themselves trying too hard to do the other 4 things. And if you are not being yourself, people can tell and it just doesn’t work.
I totally agree – if I prioritized this list, that would be #1!
I’m nodding yes to everything on this list. So true! Took me awhile to be all of the 5 things you mentioned here but now that I have arrived at this point, it’s been wonderful. While I may not have a large number of followers, of the ones I do, they’ve been a wonderful community to me and I am so grateful for them. My honesty and integrity got me exactly the type of readers I know will get me and like me for who I am.
Every new (and seasoned) blogger should read this as a great stepping stone or reminder.
Also, you can’t be all 5 of these things with every single post. You have to look at the whole picture of what your blog is. Some people try to meet all these requirements every time, and that doesn’t work either.
For the best of bloggers, it all just comes naturally, I think (and you are definitely one of them in my opinion). And THOSE are the ones we all want to read! 😉
Excellent point Elizabeth. There are times I write about things that *I* am passioante about but readers may not share in the same passion for (in a specific post for example) – but that’s the beauty of blogging, it’s OUR decision to make. But I do think, especially for new bloggers, they need to understand that staying authentic and original is the key to a successful and long blogging ‘career.’
You are absolutely correct! And, as you point out, it is very difficult to stand out when there are so many bloggers out there. Your five rules are fabulous!
Great points. I really try to think, as I’m writing every post, “Has this been done before?” Of course, since most moms go through a lot of the same things, it probably has been done before. So, I find that the best way to make it original is to put my own sense of humor into it and make fun of my inexperience as a mom. You gotta be yourself!
I agree, as bloggers, we may write about similar topics but it’s how each of us present the same topic or ideas that make a difference.
Great advice! I need to revisit this from time to time!
Wonderful post!
This is great advice! I find sometimes it can be intimidating since there are so many ‘established’ and ‘great’ writers/bloggers. But like you said, follow your inner voice and be yourself. The readers that keep coming back are truly there for you and because they like reading what you have to write. Great tips!
I have to constantly remind myself why I blog – trying to convince myself that it’s not a huge competition to get more followers than the next blogger!
thanks for the tips – I will have to put them to the test and see where I can improve!
You’re right, it shouldn’t be a “competition” so as long as you stay true to who you are and establish THAT on your blog, then you have far more worth than the blogger who is gaining followers just for the sake of achieving a ‘number.’
Great points! One thing I’ve learned as a running blogger is that you can’t be all things to all people. Find your niche and be fully engaged with the readers who are interested in what you have to say.
Without a doubt. Engaging your audience is a huge part of successful blogging!
Heather, these are great! I too have found it to be so intimidating at times with all of the established bloggers out there. But I changed my mindset to blog about the things I would blog about whether I had 1 million readers or just 2 readers.
You have to stay true to yourself and make your blog about who you are.
For some reason my last comment put my really old twitter name down… hopefully this fixes it.
Thank you for this great advice. I’m going to write these down in my notepad to remind me of why I blog. I appreciate you sharing your experience and wisdom, it is SO helpful! Sometimes I’ll start down a particular path and then suddenly it doesn’t feel right…so I’m okay abandoning it, I want to be true to me…so thanks for the reminder
As bloggers, this process is never static, it’s always changing and we are learning as we go along, which is part of the adventure – but having a clear vision for yourself and what you want out of your blog should always be the constant.
I’ve done 3 blogs in my blogging history. The first was a cluster of baking, reviews and my personal life. That seemed to go down hill when money got tight and the availability of what I could blog about diminished. The second blog was of my artwork. But that went down hill when my daughter came and I got too personal in a blog about art. So I decided to forget about blogging since I felt like I failed at it. Finally so much was happening with my daughter I just felt like I had to share it with the world! So Samantha’s Day came to be and I finally feel like I’m in the right direction!
so right!! you have to be true to yourself, most of all. because if you aren’t, it usually translates onto your blog!
excellent post!!
Thanks mama! Exactly. As long as we stay true to ourselves, everything else should fall into place!
Thank you for this very helpful information. I don’t utilize twitter as much as I could, partly because I don’t completely understand how it works. I do try though!
well at least now i know what i’m doing wrong! i just blog what’s on my mind, when it’s on my mind. there’s no form or function to what i write… it’s more like a public diary. i’m okay with that… even if it does earn me less followers than i’d like.
But that’s NOT wrong, because that’s YOU! I think it’s far more worth having readers who want to be there and read than a bunch of ‘followers’ who don’t read…to me, successful blogging is not all about numbers – it’s about making a connection with others, whether it’s with 10 or 10,000.
well said.
i enjoy being me, and wouldn’t change it for all the followers in the world. 😀
And THAT was the point of my post. Stay authentic and original – true to who you are! 😉
Great ideas! Especially for someone who’s just getting started with their own blog!
Great advice!
To answer your question:
I try to remember the value of my blog (and myself) is not found in the numbers. It’s tempting to get caught up in how many follower, subscribers, comments, or hits you have. But none of these things should ever determine your worth!
I’ve written about that numbers game before and it’s so unproductive…you’re right, a blogger should not value their worth in numbers – but the point of this post is to stay true to who you are and blog with a purpose…especially since there are just so many blogs out there, many of which are all trying to do the same thing.
Thank you for sharing as i may learn something.
I am somewhat of a newer bloogger and i can use as much information as possible. I sometimes feel not so sure of what to talk about.
A few times about life in general.
But i enjoy entering contests so that is what is up the most.
I hope i will get better over time with this and i would like followers who like what i end up putting up.
But i have a long way to go to get that and feel better at sharing things on my blog and need to learn to write better.
That was a great post! Thanks so much! ~ Take Care
This is great advice! Sometimes I struggle on what to write about, but it’s so easy once I relax and focus on just being myself.
Thanks for the tips, great for new bloggers like me!
Thanks for these great tips! Even though I’ve been blogging for a while, I’ve only gotten serious about it in the last few months, so these are so helpful.
“Be engaging” is something that I’d like to work more on. More than numbers, I’d like to get more comments just so I can get more feedback and interact more. How do people feel about bloggers who request comments? I know I don’t mind seeing that.
I think all bloggers love to get comments because of the connection made with others and the conversation continues…but I find Twitter is a wonderful platform to get to know readers and engage in convo there as well…
I would like to add something here … that you embrace so perfectly Heather.
Comment back when someone ‘talks’ to you or sends something to you or says something nice about you, or answers a comment you made … we do it in the ‘real world’ we should do it in the blogosphere!
(guess it falls in your ‘be engaging’,!)
Thanks Heather xxx
I am a big believer in making yourself ‘available’ to readers…whether it’s through tweeting, responding to comments or catching up on Facebook. It allows you to develop a relationship while connecting on another level…thanks so much for your comment!
thanks for this! It is important to remember these things. Blogging is not necessarily about how many comments you get, but the feeling you get after you publish a great post. And then of course those fantastic comments from people who care and make you feel warm and fuzzy!
I agree, it’s not about the numbers but how you present yourself and establish yourself in the blogosphere…if you stay true to who you are in the process, what’s better than that, right?
Great post Heather! Be true to yourself is the one I try to stick to, especially as someone who is still learning about how all this works – it’s the only thing I can be sure of.
I love that Maria! I’ve always said this blogging experience is never static and always changing – ensuring that we stay true to who we are should never change.
This has been such a struggle for me. Even a year later, I find myself losing site of why I started to blog in the first place – trying to be something I’m not. Then I actually loose interest in my own blog because it’s NOT working. Once I click back into who I AM, I notice that it’s not only more enjoyable, but people actually respond more and connect better with me. Which is what is important. The connections. Not the followers. I have actually met some really fantastic people through blogging and hope to continue to do so. Yourself included! Thanks for always having really fantastic tips that help smack me back to reality!
Without a doubt. Stick to what feels comfortable and I think the rest should fall into place. When you are confident and comfortable with what you are writing, it will be perceived the same way.
This is a great list! It’s hard to not get caught up in the competitiveness of the blogging world. My goal is to write when I have something legitimate (to me, anyway) to say, and when I have time (what’s that?!). I hope to one day have a loyal reader base, and agree with all five of your points as ways to get there!
I love the list! All good things to remember and remind yourself of over and over. I like the idea of making yourself available. I wish I could do this more! Been working on it!
This is EXCELLENT Heather, you really touched on the depth of blogging. What I mean by that is not just the “surface” ways to be successful, but the ways to be successful and stay successful. And I think also, these are the ways that the writer stays engaged too. By doing this, it’s a win-win. Well done!
I like what you say about being yourself. There TRULY ARE so many good writers out there. Finding your own real voice is sometimes difficult, but always worth it.
Thanks for the tips. I always love stopping by!
Great advice- as always!!! Being authentic is so important.
Thanks for these reminders. I’ve come to a turning point where I’ve been stuggling with the notion of monetizing my blog. I’ve been steadily growing readers and many are daily visitors and commentors. As I continue to evolve with my blog, staying true has been at the forefront of my mind. If I review products – they MUST be relevant to my niche and purpose. If I sell ad space, it has to make sense to my mission/purpose. Money isn’t everything {it helps, but its not everything} and staying true is more important.
Great point Liz. I get tons of pitches all the time and there are so many I don’t even respond to because it wouldn’t make sense to my audience. I only review products that I would purchase myslef and those that better me as a woman and mother. As for ad space, the same rule applies. Thanks for the comment!
You are right on and I agree 100%. I find my best posts are posts that show my raw emotions. I personally find it very difficult to be on the various social media platforms during the day which makes me feel like I am not able to fully connect with my readers and other blogs out there hence my readership is not really increasing. It is hard to balance but I guess that is an entirely different discussion.
It IS so hard to find a balance to write, connect and do it all. Ultimately, you have to do what works for you!
Great advice as always Heather, I’m really trying to spend some time focusing on content at the moment and trying to improve my writting – I’ve got a long way to go! Thanks for the inspiration.
Have a lovely day,
This post is such a timely one for me. I have recently started my blog. And I did want some sort of great inspiration that could boost my blogging. I really liked the five essential ‘B’s of the blogging. Be engaging is what I feel very important as many of us fail in it due to the time limits or may be due to many reasons. I will definitely keep on trying my best and will incorporate the great ideas you shared her.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for a great post, these are wonderful reminders to help all of us bloggers stay on a path thats true to ourselves. amber
I just have to say that I think you do everything on this list so well. You seem true and genuine to yourself here and on Twitter.
That really means a lot to me – thank you so much for that wonderful comment.
Love it, these are really great suggestions for any blogger, new or veteran. I’ve found that the best way to stay true to myself is to listen to my inner writer. when i’m having an especially difficult time writing a post, I take that as a sign that i’m not ready to write it, or it’s not meant to be written. i feel like my best posts are the ones that take very little effort, because they come out exactly as they would if i had been talking to my best friend.
I think you hit the nail right on the nose . . . your 5 B’s of blogging is fanTAStic, and I was surprised to find that I really try to follow many of these suggestions and ideas already. Thanks so much for the reminder to be relevant, original, thought provoking, engaging and YOURSELF!!! Really – great post!!!
Thanks Leanne! I love when a post can do that!!
Great tips. If you stay true to yourself your blog will do just fine.
I believe that these are great BEs!
#1- I know when I first started blogging (all of 3 months ago!) in an effort to get readers, I participated in lots of memes that required writing specific posts or answering questions. I thankfully figured out quickly that these ‘posts’ were not really fitting for my my blog or my targeted audience, so I quit doing those. I will participate if they do not call for a specific post and it reaches a good portion of my niche.
#5 is huge. Being authentic, being real. Since I began my blog, I ended up hitting rock bottom in some things in my personal life and it came thru in my blog, it couldn’t help but do so. I have tried to be as real as I can be without revealing ALL in my innermost secrets, lol!
What a great post! I appreciate the “be original” tip. I think my blog is totally original (but then…who doesn’t, right?) to the point some may be scratching their heads while saying “huh?” Ha! It’s a risk I’m willing to take! I read somewhere that is more worthwhile to have many loyal readers than many, many, many followers. I love & appreciate my readers!
I agree, being original and authentic not only keeps you, the writer on track, but readers sort of know what to expect. In a sea of “mommy bloggers,” I think you have to define yourself in your own way. And yes, it’s much better to have a dedicated readership than a bunch of numbers who never return.
This is great information. Thanks for sharing. People so easily forget these important facts. All of these tips point to content and personality. Having engaging content that resonates with your audience in a truly authentic manner is king, or should I say QUEEN
Great post.
These are excellent! I am certainly striving to do them all right now.
Thanks for the words of wisdom. I really appreciate “Be original”. Sometimes, I find myself wondering if I should be more like someone else……
I am glad to be reminded that I must own my own brand and just be me. Thanks again!