Don’t ever let people tell you that blogging is a waste of time.
Don’t ever question your own passion just because someone else does not understand the fulfillment you receive from blogging.
Don’t ever let anyone intimidate you or make you think even for a second that you will never be successful in this bloggy world. Instead, prove them wrong.
Don’t ever let anyone get in the way of what you want to do.
Follow your passion.
Do what makes YOU happy in this bloggy world – if it’s reviews you love, then nail them. If you enjoy photography then post amazing photos. If you love cooking, share great recipes. If you craft or simply love fashion or design, then do it with style.
Continue to blog as long as it brings you joy.
And don’t ever, EVER let anyone tell you that these connections, relationships and friendships developed online are not real – because they ARE real. {Here are just a few of the many women I met and connected with at Bootcamp this past weekend in Philadelphia that prove these connections are REAL}
Complicated Mama and Theta Mom
Complicated Mama, Cecily, Scary Mommy and Mama Kat
Mommys Still Fabulous and Figments of a Mom
Complicated Mama, Life Without Pink and Theta Mom
Blog connections ARE real. Enough said.
This post is dedicated to every blogger who, at any point, has had a conversation with another person that doesn’t truly understand this passion for blogging. I get it. I get you. And so does every blogger who just read this post.
Blog friends are real. It’s something that is hard to understand until you actually blog, but blog friends can actually know us better than some IRL friends, since they often hear more than just the small talk that happens when you bump into an IRL friend.
It was SO great to finally meet you. I came away with many of the same feelings as yourself. What a great time – I hope our little tribe can get together again.
SaucyB’s latest post: This SITS Girls Went to Bloggy Boot Camp
I am new to blogging but I already feel that connection. I would love to meet other bloggers in person but even if I don’t I know the connection is real.
the connections are definitely real. i care just as much about my friends online as i care about my friends that i am able to see regularly. in fact, i know a lot more about some of my online friends than i do about people i call friends in the “real world.”
They ARE real. And amazing. And sometimes better than in real life friends, who don’t use The Twitter.
I just started reading your blog and am kind of amazed at the engagement you have with your readers, so many creative comments!
I think these days the term “online” has become so integrated with our view of “offline” that its hard to differentiate between online and offline relationships.. lets face it, who exactly are my facebook friends, online or offline friends?
wow thank you for this. I was starting to feel like ‘what’s the point?’ and ‘who really cares?’ but after reading this I now know that people do care and really do want to know more about me and my ramblings. I will endeavour to learn more about how to make things look better and more appealing. Thank you again xx
–>I’m glad you had a good time and met some of the people who live inside your computer. They are real!
that’s why i go to blogher every year, despite the hugeness of it. because i want to see my friends that i only get to see once a year. after this year, i’m going to be able to start going to bloggy boot camps which i’m very excited about!!
glad you had a great time!! i LOVE complicated mama, she’s adorable. oh, and don’t even get me started on scary mommy.
Thank you for that. Lately I’ve been going through a crisis of sorts. Have been wondering why I still blog, I needed that reminder. :)Its about sharing and making friends
I love this, especially because of the BBC post I finally just wrote. You’re in it!
Great post! I definitely agree!
Ahh, what a wonderful post Heather. Sometimes I feel so silly talking about my blog to my friends. I often feel they must think I spend way too much time on something that I don’t get paid for. But…I love it, what can you do?
This post really hit home for me today.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Yes! I can’t tell you how many dear friends I’ve made because of blogging. They ARE real friends, as “real” as any who live near me.
Even though I didn’t get to spend much time with you at BBC, it was great to meet you. I hope we bump into one another again soon!
It was so great to meet you Tara and your presentation was awesome! I need to start those tags – like now.
Thank you for this. I have had many a conversation with people who just don’t get the blogging community. It does have a tendency to deflate my balloon a little.
It looks a fun time at bootcamp! I cannot wait for it to come to Seattle this year.
Great post! Love that you were able to connect face to face with fellow bloggers. I think we have all experienced those moments when our non-blogger friends just don’t get it — whether they say it or not. ‘Judgy-wudgy’ they can be sometimes! Never let others get in the way of your pursuit of your passion.
What a fanTAStic post, Theta Mom!!!!! I LOVE that you wrote this and shared these great pics of wonderful blog ladies with us! HOW FUN to meet some of your blogland friends … I can’t wait to some day do that myself! (You ALL are as lovely as the words and inspiration you write!)
I can believe it! I have made quite a few friends in the 4 months I have been blogging. Next week I am going to the Type-A mom blogger conference in Asheville, NC (close to home!) and I have only met one other person online who is attending, but I hope to make some new friends there as well. And next year, I hope to attend a couple more conferences, so then I will really get to meet lots of you!
Here’s to blogging!
I wish I had an opportunity to meet of bloggers! I think it would be so awesome!
Wow, that was like a bloggy celebrity event, seeing all those familiar faces of such successful bloggers.
You’re so right – blogging is the ONE thing that has kept me honest and grounded these past few months. I don’t know what I’d do without my blogging friends/community whom I have grown to adore. It’s easy enough for me, as I know but a few, but I can’t imagine how you keep up with a list of followers this long! But for all the support you provide, you are in essence giving back to your community, and you totally deserve your loyal fans.
Oh girl I have totally had TOO MANY people criticize me as a blogger! This post is a great one.
Aww!!! All my favorite girls! Can’t wait to meet you at BlogHer ’11, please promise you’ll be there!
And I didn’t know if you’d check back on my blog for my reply, but you have asked me before & I never knew if you saw my response! I just use standard iphoto that came with my Mac to edit all my photos… I’m flattered you think they’re that great
Thanks girl for replying! You have a natural talent for taking pictures!!
I am SO behind on my bloggy reading/posting… life in general lol
Thanks so much for the shout out! … It was great going to Bloggy Bootcamp with you! Its always a blast getting to spend time and chat with you!
And ABSOLUTELY… Bloggy-connections are REAL!
Thanks for the encouragment.
Without a doubt Jennifer! Don’t stop doing what you love – as long as it continues to bring you joy!!
I was so jealous of all you girls at Bloggy Boot Camp! I’m a Jersey girl myself and knowing it was only an hour away from me and I couldn’t be there was killing me!! I’m so glad you had a great time and made so many connections. Maybe one of these days we will cross paths ourselves!