This past weekend I was reminded of life BC (before children). My hubs and I went away on a mini-vacay without the kids. And yes, this precious time spent alone without the kids was nothing short of pure bliss. In fact, BC and this past weekend looked something like this:
- Going out without the need to plan for the entire evening because it was just us
- We did whatever we wanted whenever we wanted
- No worries about the kids because this wasn’t about the kids, it was about us
- Having an awesome conversation uninterrupted
- Laughing and smiling and connecting like we did BC
- Sleeping in past 6 am
- Spending quality time together, alone
During our escape I posed for a moment with this man,
And spent some quality time with my man
My advice to anyone on how to maintain a successful marriage? Get some time alone away from the kids.
It’s a great reminder of why you created that beautiful family in the first place.
Heather this is something Hosie and I are really looking forward to sometime in the NEAR future (on my hands and knees praying)