If I were to ask you to name some moms that were displayed on television as positive role models when you were growing up, could you do it? My response? Absolutely.
I grew up with Angela Bower from Who’s the Boss, the successful ad-executive who also happened to be single mom portrayed as a hard working woman desperately trying to make a good life for her and her young son. Maggie Seaver from Growing Pains was seen as the warm, compassionate and sometimes frazzled working mom who was very active in her children’s lives. Claire Huxtable is another good example of a mother who balanced a successful full-time career while attending to her children on The Cosby Show. Or Roseanne from Roseanne also comes to mind. Although she was far from perfect, she loved her kids more than anything else and amidst her flaws and snarky personality she was as real as it gets.
Yes, these women certainly had some imperfections but they were ‘real’ moms portrayed on American television in a positive way. If I were to ask you to name some positive role model moms on television today, well that question can’t be answered as easily.
For starters, think about The Real Housewives. I think it’s such a paradox to call this show The Real Housewives because these women live far from reality! Majority of mothers do not live with that kind of income in those kind of homes, nor are we given the same opportunities that the women on these shows display. They have nannies as stay-at-home moms to assist in the parenting department and housekeepers to help maintain the large home on a regular basis so they are free to do “other things” with their time. This isn’t the reality for most of us.
Or how about other moms that are portrayed in the media – dare I say Kate Gosselin? Take a good look at the footage from the first two years of the show. You’ll remember the mom who brought in a chef to help her learn how to cook more organically or the mom who sat down with her eight kids and did crafts with them. She was the mom who planned birthday parties, took many trips with the kids regardless of how troublesome it might have been and reveled in the small milestones they each made along the way. I was a huge Kate fan early on because I thought she always took the hardest job in the world in such stride. I marveled at how she was able to be a mother to eight children day in and day out without hesitation. In those early years, she made me want to be a better mother – I thought if Kate could do it with 8, I sure as hell better do it with 2 – and do it well.
But where is she now? She’s busy launching her new lucrative book deal, learning how to do a split and pirouette on a highly watched television show while adding some hair extensions and speaking on the talk show circuit to let Los Angeles know she is “available.” It makes me wonder how this small town girl could have gotten so wrapped up in fame that eventually would change her so much. Is she that same role model of a mother for the rest of us as she used to be in those early years? Not quite. Moreover, television producers still chase after her and I am left to wonder WHY.
Which brings me to the point – where are the ‘real’ moms? Where is the Angela Bower, Maggie Seaver, Claire Huxtable and Roseanne of today? One of my bloggy friends The Wanna Be WAHM recently wrote a great post about this topic and she referenced the article published by Hybrid Mom in which Jennifer Rawlings clearly adds, “Not since Rosanne has a television show portrayed a mom as a hard working, self assured, flawed, busy, funny, sad and sometimes pathetic human being…a real mom. And not since Rosanne has their been a television show featuring a mom that was as compelling.”
Pefectly stated.
Although I’ve heard the show Parenthood does a decent job of displaying real moms, producers need to wake-up and realize that there is such a lack of positive role models portraying real moms in television today and something needs to be done about it.
Perhaps we need to begin a Theta Mom movement and all share a piece of our blogs – because when I visit each and every one of you I know I am in ‘real’ company.
Enough said.
I’m also a big fan of Michelle Duggar. I may not AGREE with everything she does & chooses, but I am a huge fan of her compassion & discipline & love for her family. She let’s you see the craziness, how sometimes she has it together but sometimes it falls apart. BIG fan of her.
& she has the sweetest speaking voice!
.-= Blair´s last blog ..Tragedy Is A Tool For The Living To Gain Wisdom, Not A Guide By Which To Live =-.
ummm….that’s weird. That website is so not mine that links above.
.-= Blair@HeirtoBlair´s last blog ..When people stop being nice, & start being real. You know, with food. Not Brooklyn. =-.
I know, right? Wanted to be sure it was you who left the comment. 😉
I wonder – do we REALLY want to see moms like us on TV? Aren’t we watching it to escape a little? I mean, does Jack Bauer even ONCE use the bathroom in 24 hours?
We didn’t have reality shows when some of us were growing up, so TV writers came up with their version of motherhood. Now, with reality shows, we’re seeing an entirely different and not-so neatly packaged version. We KNOW the Real Housewives aren’t real housewives. That’s why we watch! It’s more entertaining than watching someone pick up their kids from school and load the dishwasher and wipe a poopy butt and wash vomit out of our hair.
I’m not saying that a fabulous show couldn’t be made about us real moms. But until it is, I’ll just log on and read all of your blogs – because you are REAL mothers, and I know who my people are!
.-= SpecialSauce in the House´s last blog ..Mommy Resume – What’s on yours? =-.
I know what you mean – part of the reason we watch tv is to be entertained, so do I really want to see another version of myself? I’ll be the first to admit I watch those reality shows, probably b/c it is somehat of an escape – but I’m thinking more about my own children and what they will grow up watching. For THEM, I want the Angela Bowers and Maggie Seavers back!
I see your point about the kids (did I miss the point of the whole post? I’m slow this morning!). But they’re too busy watching Hannah Montana and iCarly and who-knows-what-else (my kids are too young). They might not have a Claire Huxtable or a Carole Brady (!) or a Marian Cunningham, that’s true. But my kids also aren’t watching the Real Housewives – and if they watch shows like that when they’re older, hopefully they’ll get it. And know that real Mommies don’t exist on TV, only in real life.
.-= SpecialSauce in the House´s last blog ..Mommy Resume – What’s on yours? =-.
I hate that producers are looking into shows that sell, which to me tend to be trashy(some), instead of jumping in with a new idea; portraying real moms.
I’d love to see everyday moms on TV. Moms dealing with separation anxiety when they leave to work, moms dealing with picky eaters at home, caring for multiple children, single moms, working moms, & all things that REAL moms go through.
For now, I turn to bloggyland and not TV. This is a place to read about struggles that you can relate to, meet people that you feel connected to, and feel like you’re not alone.
PS. You’d be great on TV!
.-= Mayra´s last blog ..The loveliest surprise; my first apron. =-.
Awww, thanks Mayra – but I would never sign up for any reality show since adding that element into your home would completely change the dynamic of my family. Maybe we should just submit some of our blog posts and then they can hire actors/actresses to “act out” the realities we live everyday. Now, that would be a show worth watching!
I have a slightly different perspective.
I don’t look to TV for role models in parenting, nor do I think anyone should. Nor should we place expectations, either on sitcom producers or on people who star in reality shows (which I watch incessantly, BTW) that they need to create or act like role models. It’s all fantasy, it’s escape, it’s entertainment. As long as someone is being paid to mother, or to act like a mother, they have no incentive to be a role model!
I don’t know that any one mom is worthy of the title “role model”. That’s a lot of pressure and expectation. We all have our imperfections, failings and screwups. Instead, I think that the real life (or virtual life!) moms one associates with each offer bits and pieces as role models. And a collective role model is created. You draw the strengths from many and try to emulate those.
My dos centavos for the day.
.-= gigi´s last blog ..Can I call myself a trophy wife now? =-.
I am just skimming the comments here, but this is an excellent point.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..I tried to bring sexy back and it just did not work! =-.
You’re right, “role model” is a tough role to fulfill and we try to work at this everyday for our own kids and I agree in the sense that WE should be our childrens’ role models. Absolutely. But you know the media influences them so if they are watching tv, I would certainly rather have them “look up to” a Maggie Seaver than some of these other women portrayed on tv.
Maybe this is the reason I prefer my TV to be absolute fantasy — Lost, Weeds, Dexter, Battlestar Galactica, etc… I’ve never been a fan of the 30-minute sitcom, except for Sports Night and The Office. I’ve never seen an episode of Desperate Housewives or Grey’s Anatomy — so not into soapy stuff. And reality TV? I think Brad Paisley sums that up best with his song “Being a Celebrity.”
Truth be told, I work full time, parent full time, and have little time to waste on sub-standard entertainment. When I sit down next to my hubby on the couch, I want to see something completely other than my life — I want to get caught up in pretend drama, watching people in extraordinary circumstances facing decisions I’ll never have to face. Seriously, I’m not a frakkin’ Cylon… It makes my plain old life all the more comforting.
.-= IASoupMama´s last blog ..Getting My Revenge =-.
Good point IASoupMama – I will be the first to admit I watch reality tv – why? Because it is fantasy and escape from MY OWN reality. But when I think about how my kids are influenced on what I see them watching as they grow up, I wish Maggie Seaver or Roseanne was around in place of some of the mothers that are portrayed on tv today.
Have you seen ABC’s new shows Modern Family and The Middle starring Patricia Heaton? I adore both of these shows and think they do a fairly good job representing the Moms of America. Not only that, but to me they are just plain laugh out loud funny!
I couldn’t agree more with many points in your post. Was a huge Kate fan but am now not so fond of the woman she’s become. The Real Housewives…humph! Don’t even get me started. Though it’s entertaining, I certainly don’t know anyone that lives like that!
Another one of my fav shows was Gilmore Girls. Thought Lauren Graham was a perfectly flawed single mom doing the best she could. There’s just not a lot of good tv anymore…
.-= Shannon´s last blog ..365, oh my! =-.
No, I haven’t seen those shows but at least there are more examples presented here than just Parenthood. These are the times I wish Angela Bower was around again. 😉
Your post is so true!! It’s sad how there aren’t women like that anymore to watch. That’s why I love the blogging world! It’s so nice and heart warming to read other mom’s “real” life stories. Knowing we aren’t in this whole crazy ass world of motherhood alone!
I was and still am a little hesitant to write certain things on my blog or swear or whatever…but the more I think about it the more I realize that that’s me and I need to be “real” and speak from the heart!
Great post!!
.-= Nikki´s last blog ..Mommy and Me Monday =-.
WELL…I totally agree with you about Kate Gosslin…I used to love her and look up to her as a mother. I want 5 kids and I used to watch her to see how she did it and said the same as you, if she can do it with 8, then I surely can do it. Now, shes just a joke.
I LOVE the show Brothers and Sisters, have you ever seen it? Nora Walker (Sally Field) is not a working mother, and her kids are more than grown, but they deal with REAL life problems and issues, cheating husband, family secrets, gay children, children with addiction problems, infertility, divorce, and every other problems you can think of. It has politics in it as well. Its a great show! She has 5 children and is far from a fake family and the whole point of every show is that no matter what, it all comes back to family.
Thats my blurb and who I look to for strength (although yes its fake but it helps) when I feel defeated by my kids.
Oh I love that show and couldn’t agree more with your comment.
.-= Theresa´s last blog ..Adoption =-.
Malcolm in the Middle’s Lois loves her kids, she’s a mess but loves her kids. It’s been cancelled though.
Ummm there aren’t really ANY family shows that I can think of.
Deborah on Everybody Loves Raymond (and of course Marie) were real Mom’s full of mistakes but undeniable love.
Really there aren’t any real sitcoms right now that are family oriented, everything is more into “reality”. Our reality is that we watch “The Office” and reruns of “Everybody Loves Raymond” and “King of Queens” and then the Science Channel or cooking channels.
.-= Sheri´s last blog ..Sweet shot of the Day #6 (maybe?) =-.
The moms on Parenthood are pretty good…my husband says that show is too real sometimes; they deal with some serious, real life issues! I also love Claire on Modern Family. She’s hilarious, flustered, busy – everything real moms are!
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..Stealing kisses =-.
Another good post! I do not want to take up much comment space, so I will (try) to be quick.
My theory on the Real Housewives show, it is all so scripted, very few, if anything is real. All about ratings.
You guys remember Elyse Keaton from “Family Ties?” She was another good mom. I especially loved Roseanne though.
I agree with a few of the posters who brought up Patricia Heaton from The Middle. She is hilarious, the show is hilarious, good all around t.v.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..I tried to bring sexy back and it just did not work! =-.
Modern family and Parenthood are great for real life moms. Some of the issues that they deal with hit close to home. I so agree with you about Kate. That girl needed to get her priorities straight. I was listening to a radio interview with Maks (one of the dancers on DWTS) and he said that they practice almost 8 hours a day. And they all go out to eat together. I know that a lot of moms that don’t work at home work 8 hours (I do) but I come right home to be with my family. Obviously she does not. And as for the “Real Housewives” franchise. I refuse to watch any of them.
My role model was definitely Roseanne! 😉
I think the problem with Kate G is what the media wanted her to be. She just didn’t have enough strength to look past the $$$$ in her contract and say no, that is not how I want to be portrayed. I agree with the TV mom’s of the past vs some of what they show today. I was BIG Gilmore Girls fan. They always seem to cancel the shows I like best! Currently I like Parenthood and Life Unexpected.
.-= Margaret´s last blog ..Before You Redecorate Part I =-.
What an awesome post and you are so right!! I don’t know of any great role models right now in fact most of the moms out there right now should be considered what NOT to do.
Kate Gosselin… Do not get that AT ALL.
Although Parenthood is amazing and a step in the right direction.
Sadie at heyMamas
.-= heyMamas´s last blog ..Cirque de Amazing… =-.
So well said! Most moms on TV are either portrayed as perfect or as giant failures. The truth is we are all somewhere in the middle.
.-= Magically Ordinary´s last blog ..Post it Note Tuesday, The "Charming" Edition =-.
I liked Florida from Good Times.
.-= UnknownMami´s last blog ..And the Winner is… =-.
Once again, I’m probably repeating a lot. So I’ll try – really – to be brief. Hello, yes, Kate Gosselin needs to reconsider her PR and parenting strategies. It’s hard to judge when I don’t live in her life, but from all outward appearances her desire for cash has outweighed her desire for “normalcy” (whatever that may be!).
As for other TV moms… I agree with a lot of other commenters that we shouldn’t look to make believe families for too much inspiration. And yet… yet… We can’t help but make some comparisons. I think we all go searching for people who are like us & who we want to be like, either consciously or subconsciously. If we can’t relate to a character on any level then we probably won’t watch. Even on complete fantasy shows we are often able to find some characteristic or trait that we relate to & I believe that’s ultimately why we continue to watch the shows we like.
I’m realizing I could go on and on (shocking). So I’ll stop. Thanks for another thoughtful and thought provoking post!
.-= Missy´s last blog ..Commence Wondering =-.
The real moms? They are right here! On this blog… and so many others. It is sad that the family shows of the 80s and 90s have gone the way of reality TV (not that I dont watch it- but a good old school sitcom would be GREAT).
Im with you on the Kate thing- I had the same thoughts way back when- now she is busy “supporting her kids” by writing books and doing those speaking engagements. ugh. Had she not fallen into the fame trap- they wouldnt live the hollywood lifestyle that needs that kind of “supporting”
anyway- FAB post! I wholeheartedly agree!
I couldn’t agree with you more. I watch some of these shows and have to laugh because a real mother would NEVER act, look, say, or do things like that.
We have shown our children The Cosby’s, which they loved. I have fond memories of all the TV mom’s you’ve mentioned. The problem is that reality TV has become the norm. We no longer have talented writer’s creating the scenarios that leave us feeling we’ve learned something from the episode. We are buying The Walton’s, The Cosby’s and Little House on The Prairie… and maybe a little Gilligan’s Island just for fun. I have enough reality right here at home. Thank you, but I don’t need anyone else’s problems to solve, we create enough of our own here at Bungalow’56 : )
.-= Bungalow’56´s last blog ..The Blog In My Head =-.
I’m a real mom! I admit I enjoy watching the housewives to escape from my real life. However I agree wholeheartedly. Not working with a Nanny, Chefs & full time staff s a bit extreme. The media and tv give what sales no matter how immoral or false. When John & Kate first came on I felt like you. If she can keep her house clean with 8. I can with 3. As moms we need to know balance & that’s in all areas of our lives.
yes, yes! amen! this is precisely the reason i started my blog — to construct a life-giving, realistic model for motherhood where there is clearly a lack. thanks for the links to words of others who share this vision. look out, superwoman. the times are a changing.
.-= themsrevolution´s last blog ..re-framing =-.
I think this is a great article, and lots of really good points are brought up. I think Kate Gosselin is a victim of what happens when you become famous. It makes you hungry for more, more, more but I think it only shows her insecurities as a person, as well as a mom. I don’t know of anyone who could be calm,cool and collected after giving birth to 6 kids! It takes a VERY special parent that could handle that many kids. I know I certainly couldn’t, I could barely keep my headnabove water with just our TWO kids when they were little! I’ve never been a big fan of Jon & Kate.
I did see a comment that mentioned the Duggar family. They live up the road from us, about 5-10 miles away. They know how to handle fame, I think. They aren’t “splashy”, never make a big to-do about themselves; the only time we hear anything about them is when they have another baby! That’s a family that knows how to keep their heads on straight, all 20 of them!
Thanks for writing such a good piece…. AGAIN!
Makes you wonder if the writers for Hollywood HAD moms.
Florida, from Good Times – yes!!! And (of course) Roseanne – always.
As much as I have a problem with Octomom, or Kate Gosselin, I likewise have a problem with touting the Duggars as the be-all and end-all. They are famous for their procreating, nothing much else.
I do the best I can with what I have where I am. If they kids were alive by the time my husband got home, I’d done a good job. And don’t let me here you call it “babysitting” when he’s with the kids and you’re not. Or that he “helps” you to clean up the house. He lives there too, doesn’t he?
OK, so a nerve got stepped on. my bad.
.-= Trece´s last blog ..30 Minutes for 30 Days =-.
All mothers lovingly rock + they are the ‘Hallelujah-Unquenchable-Fruitful-Engine’ of any nation… And the earlier each nations of the globe understands that, the lovingly smoother the ‘Fruitful-Engine’ of that nations shall infinitely run…
Meantime, Loving infinite love UP!!!… to all beautiful mothers of the gobe. Most especially, the ones with challenged angelic children… I humbly pray, that our loving GOD ALMIGHTY shall infinitely increase the oil of you beautiful all.. ‘Super Multi-tasking Energetic strenght’…!!!
Interesting post. However, I think all the shows/women mentioned were as unrealistic as the current menu of tv moms out there now with the possible exception of Roseanne. Indeed, the fact they were promoted as being “typical” makes it all the more unbelievable–they had incomes at least twice what the average family earned and problems that could be neatly tied up — things rarely tore a family apart or couldn’t be resolved. That’s just not life.
Bottom line is nighttime TV is there to entertain the masses not train them. That’s why reality shows are such a hit. Who perceives them as being anyone’s reality? Kate probably morphed into the person she is now because all along there was this little Kate inside her (and maybe inside each one of us) that hoped fame, fortune and opportunity would come knocking at her door–particularly if it was framed on the daily grind of what a mom does–cook, clean, mother, solve problems and so on….So, is Kate our role model? No, but God help us—she may just be our secret dream.
.-= Diane Prouty´s last blog ..At the very least JUST TALK TO YOUR KIDS!!! =-.
Thanks for your comment Diane. I’ll be the first to admit I watch those reality shows for the very reasons you mentioned – they entertain me. But as far as a family oriented sitcom with some decent values that my kids could watch, similar to what I grew up with – this has been lost and replaced by shows that don’t compare. And Kate – yes, she is receiving fame and fortune but at what cost? I think she sold a part of her soul in the process.
I agree with the Kate Gosslin piece, for sure! I can’t even stand to watch her now, but in the beginning, you are right, she was all about BEING A MOM! Not so much anymore – or so the television portrays. I guess “real moms” aren’t what sells these days. So sad!
Well said lady! Claire Huxtable was most definitely a mama to emulate!
.-= Kristin´s last blog ..Forget you Jesse James…There’s nothing wrong with an all American girl! =-.
Reba. Enough said.
I agree with your point of view on Kate Gosslin. Though I think the media does stick with her BECAUSE she’s become so controversial.
Think about it. Who would want to watch a mom sit around in sweats all day, changing diapers, cleaning spit up, and dealing with a baby throwing a tantrum?
.-= Pregasauraus´s last blog ..Our Family =-.
I know what you mean – kind of like who wants to see what WE do everyday? But, maybe bring a sitcom back that centers around family and some values? This is a thing of the past I’m afraid.
This is a great post! I agree with your point about Kate. I used to watch her before I had my son and think “wow, if she can do it with 8…” She used to show how she cooked for so many at once and tried to save money. Now, it’s just hard to look at her.
I also agree with everyone that talked about the new Parenthood show. It seems to show a slightly more realistic view of parenting.
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Toddler teeth-brushing =-.
Great post, I agree with everything you said. I’ve been trying to think of someone on TV who would be a good role model today and nothing is coming to mind. So what role models do the young girls get to see today?
.-= Debby´s last blog ..POST IT NOTE TUESDAY =-.
That’s the thing – I don’t think there are too many. Sad to think that the idea of a heart-warming family sitcom is a thing of the past.
i love the mom from modern family – i think she accurately portrays motherhood. but in general, you are very right. trash/reality tv has taken over this country and we’re no longer in tune with who a “rear'” mother is.
.-= ericka @ alabastercow´s last blog ..cop out post: take two =-.
Parenthood is a good example. Not only about motherhood, but motherhood with a single mom of teens, a working lawyer mom with a stay-at-home dad and a mother of a child with special needs. They hit everything. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should. I will really have to think of more moms, because right now I am pulling a blank.
.-= A Mother’s Hood´s last blog ..What a Difference a Year Makes =-.
This is great! You’re right, we don’t often see real moms anymore. I loved (LOVED) Claire Huxtible, but she’s gone. I do really like the show The Good Wife, about a mom who is dealing with some pretty complex issues. And I like Carmella Soprano, even though I wouldn’t say her life is “normal.” Who else? I don’t watch that much television, but I certainly don’t watch reality TV. A lot of these shows just make me sick. I want people to keep their lives a bit more private, if at least not for their own sakes, for their children’s.
.-= Jana@An Attitude Adjustment´s last blog ..I Don’t Want a Dog =-.
Jana – I love the point you just made about reality tv stars – their choice to open up the doors to their home for the public to see, their children (especially young children) don’t have a choice in the matter – and how much does this choice have an impact on their lives? They didn’t ask for this and not sure they would accept if given the opportunity. No matter how you slice it, those involved in reality tv, it changes people – and I don’t think it’s always for the better. Think about how many “reality” marriages have failed and families have been torn apart. Excellent point, thanks for sharing.
I completely agree, I am a fan of the new show Parenthood, they (and there are about 5 mothers represented in the show that seem real. I have been surprised and excited about this show. Sadly there are not enough of them and I would love to see a Cosby Show or somesort of real Mom television out there. Maybe you should consider writing a screen play?!
.-= Mama Bird´s last blog ..Fresh Thyme Vinaigrette {Giveaway} =-.
one of the reasons i stopped watching tv is because there is nothing new on. its all been done. and along those lines, there is no one on tv who looks like a real person. namely a real mom. a mom who occasionally has a few too many drinks or goes to bed at 5pm or who yells at her kids while she’s pms or whatever. but i’ve come to realize that no one wants to see that because that’s real life and people want to escape from real life. but maybe they like that kind of stuf because maybe there is some glimmer of hope that maybe we, too, can get a live in nanny or a housekeeper.
hell, i’d settle for rosie the robot from the jetsons and that food-a-rack-a-sack-arator thingy that made food appear!
.-= pammy pam´s last blog ..the upside of memory loss =-.
Wow, I had not thought about Angela Bower in a long while. You are right about the lack of role models- though I would add that even younger role models for our kids are scarce. I admit that I am a sucker for certain shows–Lost, Grey’s, Fringe— in part because they are so far from reality that it is my attempt to escape the day to day chaos. I do like Brothers & Sisters- as well as Army Wives (and although I have never been in the military so cannot judge the authenticity–the women seem very “real.”). It is funny though because thinking back to when I was little—my favorites were the Brady Bunch and Mr. French (I dont think that was the name of the show- but it was about two kids that lived with their dad and Mr. French)…neither of those shows had traditional role models either. And yet, if my daughter wanted to watch those now, I would happily let her.
My very first blog post was on how appalled I am at the content of TV and how they need to bring back some good shows like The Cosby Show. If you have a minute check it out http://www.lifeinthebatcave.com/2009/10/thought-on-tv.html
I couldn’t agree with you more!
.-= Life in the BAT Cave´s last blog ..And the Goddess Is…. =-.
Oh how I love this topic. I love Parenthood and Modern Family as well as Brothers and Sisters. All fantastic shows. They all have great role models. Personally, I think the winner is the Cosby Show. It is one of the best shows ever on TV and we really don’t have that right now. Sad really.
.-= Theresa´s last blog ..Adoption =-.
What is so funny is that I have been thinking about writing about a very similar topic, I was going to focus mostly on Roseanne. Do you mind if I still do.
.-= Bobbi Janay´s last blog ..When does the lasanga hit me in the face? =-.
Of course not, be sure to send a link so we can check it out! I think this makes for an excellent discussion!
I still miss the Gilmore Girls!! Loreli was the best example of a real mom. I also miss Everybody Loves Raymond, Debra rocked.
I’ve been watching Parenthood and I think it’s pretty good, but it could be better. And please don’t get me started on Kate Gosslein.
.-= Molly´s last blog ..The Ghost came through……and his name is Edward =-.
I’m real too! Great post! I loved all the women you mentioned in this post, I grew up watching all those shows, and it’s true… where are those moms now?
.-= Loukia´s last blog ..Brothers =-.
I think The Middle is kind of fun in its portrayal of a mom and her family – she’s worn down and frustrated and she messes up and doesn’t always make the right choices.
I am so out of touch though – I barely get to watch anything on TV anymore 😉
.-= Jennifer @ three pugs & a baby´s last blog ..{ why do we bother buying toys? } =-.
I was watching a documentary just last night and thinking the exact same thing, but you said it so much better than I ever could.
Television used to have such wonderful role models. These days… not so much. If I look back on how much I, as a child, learned from the outside world via the television…. it’s really disparaging to think about just what today’s children are learning from that same resource.
.-= Gilliauna´s last blog ..$20.00 Store Credit Giveaway =-.
So I’m a little late to this party but I couldn’t agree more! It is really hard to find good role models on tv today, but we also enjoy Parenthood and Modern Family as the shows we can relate most to. I also agree with the first comment from Blair about Michelle Duggar. That woman could definitely teach me a thing or two about patience.
My little one is still just a baby, but I’m already concerned about what she’ll grow up being exposed to in the media. Thanks for offering a place to have a real discussion with real moms
.-= Dear Sydney´s last blog ..We’re not keeping the bumbo … =-.
Your comment just made my day. I am SO GLAD you see this space as a way to discuss real topics with real moms – whether we agree or not, it’s the idea that we begin a dialogue which is essentially why I began this blog in this first place. Thank you for affirming that!
Yup, one of my early posts was about how the Real Housewives were totally not “REAL” housewives. Some don’t even have children, nor are the married. They pretty much spend their time getting Botox, having Botox parties, and organizing charity work. I don’t get it. But, I devour those shows and can’t tear myself away from the awful, trashy drama. Argh.
.-= Kristy´s last blog ..My Son, The Photographer =-.
Besides Parenthood, I can’t think of a single one. Hmmm…
I am a HUGE fan of the show Parenthood. Overall it does portray parents in a more realistic light!
.-= Sarah @ OneStarryNight´s last blog ..HonestScrap, BeautifulBlogger, & 24 Random Facts =-.
What an awesome post! I loved Roseanne with all her flaws and Cosby, Growing Pains, and Family Ties. I have to agree that most moms that are portrayed on tv are not realistic at all. Modern Family, Parenthood, Brothers and Sisters and some others (mentioned above) do have more realistic moms but I still don’t think they speak to me the way the moms portrayed when I was growing up did. Maybe it is all about how our perceptions change as we get older and how we reflect on what we saw growing up?
.-= The Practical Mom Guide´s last blog ..Stop, Drop, and STARE =-.