Uninterrupted sleep, a strong cup of coffee, a salty margarita and a good pair of shoes;
A piece of sinful chocolate, a designer handbag, a damn good hair day and a beautiful floral arrangement;
Actually, I could provide a thousand examples of things here but none even pale in comparison to the happiness derived from the natural world like warmth of sunshine on my face, the smell of freshly cut grass, or the comfort of sand surrounding my feet as waves crash onto shore. Or better yet…
Finding clarity amidst confusion,
Reaching complete resolution,
Chasing a dream,
Dreaming even bigger dreams,
Achieving a specific goal,
Staying truthful and passionate,
Fulfilling the soul with pure unconditional love;
Through the echoing sounds of laughter heard from my son,
Or a glance into the innocent eyes of my daughter,
That is my true happiness.
Lay’s Potato Chip Company also certainly knows how to define happiness. Lay’s just launched The Happiness Exhibit, a campaign that aims to document happiness across America. This company believes that happiness is all around us and this exhibit gives YOU the chance to share your smiles with the rest of the country. You can upload as many photos as you like with only one condition – they must be happy photos!
Taken directly from the online exhibit, selected photos will be chosen to be featured on millions of Lay’s potato chip bags and in commemorative ads in issues of PEOPLE magazine. You can go Lay’s main webpage here to get full details and upload your own photos online here. If you want to add photos for a specific theme, be sure to check the website for deadline details.
So what are you waiting for? Share some happiness with the rest of America because you never know, your face may land on the next bag of Lay’s potato chips or in PEOPLE magazine – and then you can come back to thank me.
Happiness, how do you define it?
I was not paid to publish this post. However, I was contacted by Fanscape and provided a Canon Power Shot A480 Digital Camera to take photos for this exhibit as well as a bag of Lay’s Potato Chips in exchange for publishing a piece about this campaign. All of the opinions expressed in this post are purely my own and were not influenced in any way. For me, this is a campaign worth writing about as I truly believe that The Happiness Exhibit will spread a little sunshine to people, especially at a time when this country could certainly use some.
I think this sounds like a great campaign! Thanks for posting about it. Enjoy that camera and taking lots of pictures of your little angels:)
.-= clueless Mama´s last blog ..Need Help Keeping Life in Order? Try Springpad =-.
I hope my last comment posted??? Something happened when I hit submit. If not, thanks so much for posting this. It sounds like a really fun campaign. Enjoy your camera and taking lots of pictures of those little angels of yours!
.-= clueless Mama´s last blog ..Need Help Keeping Life in Order? Try Springpad =-.
Your photos are gorgeous and I am going to check this out, despite the fact that I am no photographer to be sure….
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Going Green for Spring! =-.
Your kiddos are beautiful!! I really love it when companies create campaigns that actively involve their consumers and spread a little happiness around! It makes you feel so much more connected to that brand. Thanks for posting this!!
.-= Shari @ Tales from the Sippy Cup´s last blog ..Get Dad "stuffed" this Father’s Day! =-.
Thank you!
And I TOTALLY agree Shari which is why I jumped on board with this one. I get so many emails daily that are not a good fit for Theta Mom. But this one? Totally worth it!
What a great idea! I love your post and how you defined happiness. You are awesome! I have the perfect photo!
.-= 504 Main´s last blog ..Pass the Pickles and Cheese, Please! =-.
So when your photo is plastered on millions of bags, you know who to thank at your acceptance speech. 😉