Uninterrupted sleep, a strong cup of coffee, a salty margarita and a good pair of shoes;
A piece of sinful chocolate, a designer handbag, a damn good hair day and a beautiful floral arrangement;
Actually, I could provide a thousand examples of things here but none even pale in comparison to the happiness derived from the natural world like warmth of sunshine on my face, the smell of freshly cut grass, or the comfort of sand surrounding my feet as waves crash onto shore. Or better yet…
Finding clarity amidst confusion,
Reaching complete resolution,
Chasing a dream,
Dreaming even bigger dreams,
Achieving a specific goal,
Staying truthful and passionate,
Fulfilling the soul with pure unconditional love;
Through the echoing sounds of laughter heard from my son,
Or a glance into the innocent eyes of my daughter,
That is my true happiness.
Lay’s Potato Chip Company also certainly knows how to define happiness. Lay’s just launched The Happiness Exhibit, a campaign that aims to document happiness across America. This company believes that happiness is all around us and this exhibit gives YOU the chance to share your smiles with the rest of the country. You can upload as many photos as you like with only one condition – they must be happy photos!
Taken directly from the online exhibit, selected photos will be chosen to be featured on millions of Lay’s potato chip bags and in commemorative ads in issues of PEOPLE magazine. You can go Lay’s main webpage here to get full details and upload your own photos online here. If you want to add photos for a specific theme, be sure to check the website for deadline details.
So what are you waiting for? Share some happiness with the rest of America because you never know, your face may land on the next bag of Lay’s potato chips or in PEOPLE magazine – and then you can come back to thank me.
Happiness, how do you define it?
I was not paid to publish this post. However, I was contacted by Fanscape and provided a Canon Power Shot A480 Digital Camera to take photos for this exhibit as well as a bag of Lay’s Potato Chips in exchange for publishing a piece about this campaign. All of the opinions expressed in this post are purely my own and were not influenced in any way. For me, this is a campaign worth writing about as I truly believe that The Happiness Exhibit will spread a little sunshine to people, especially at a time when this country could certainly use some.
My daughter’s giggle
My boys playing together
A hike in the woods with my family
My man’s love for me
The smell of lilacs
A homegrown tomato
Love of your family
A good conversation
A warm spring breeze
The sun on your face
Making other happy and can often make you happy. I love this quote:
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ~Dalai Lama
A good conversation – yes!
Happiness: watching my daughter’s face absolutely LIGHT UP when I walk in to pick her up from Grandmas after having a crappy day at work.
Joy: Seeing her run to me, and have her throw herself into my arms.
Bliss: forgetting all about my crappy day as she teaches me how to blow bubbles and tells me all about her day.
.-= Quixotic´s last blog ..Do you want some porn with your petrol? =-.
This is currently what gets me through my crappy work day as well. I don’t think they realize how much we need them.
.-= Bryna´s last blog ..Fashion that should die =-.
beautiful post.
Happiness is being surrounded by my family and close friends.
Happiness is a nice sunny day with open window and birds chirping and kids playing outside.
Happiness is when my daughter out of the blue wants to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.
Happiness is CHOCOLATE.
Happiness is sitting outside in the shade reading a great book, or curled up on the couch on a snowy or cold day with a good book.
Happiness is LOVE.
.-= Angela´s last blog ..I love Spring! =-.
Thanks for sharing that Angela – it’s so fun to read how each of us define it, which is usually the same – our kids and LOVE.
Happiness for me is when my son holds my hand, a day spent in my favorite spot in Maine, shopping!, crafting, pretzels and chocolate (mixed together!), a hug from my husband, and uncontrollable giggles.
.-= Katrina´s last blog ..I said what? =-.
happiness? the few brief moments throughout the day, in which i forget to be a paranoid freak about my family’s safety and security, and just love the way my boy’s green eyes sparkle, the way my daughter laughs with her mouth wide open, and the way my husband feels when his encompassing solidness wraps me in his arms. .
.-= Nobody´s last blog ..Diamonds Are Forever… =-.
You gave a great list for happiness. I can only think of a few additional ones:
Seeing your child get an award/be in a play/sing in the choir/play baseball.
Having something I cook come out delicious. (A rarity for me!)
Getting a hand picked bouquet of flowers from your child.
Having a husband who cleans the house. (GREAT happiness with this one!)
Singing along to a great song on the car stereo with the speakers turned up high. (You must remember to keep the windows up, however. I was singing loudly to My Confession by Josh Groban when I pulled into the parking garage at work. When I put down the window to get the ticket, I suddenly realized my mistake…)
.-= Lindsey Petersen´s last blog ..The Easter Bunny Goes Pee… =-.
I wish something I cook would come out delicious, too! Maybe one day. Thanks for stopping by Theta Mom!
Oooh, lovely. What gorgeous kids you have!
From your list at the top, I had a salty margarita myself just tonight, followed by some sinful chocolate! Delish.
Happiness also today was walking along the beach on a beautiful Autumn day here in Sydney with the 8yo & 6yo – so warm! – and then watching them and their 3yo brother laugh in absolute delight when they were playing cubbies in the bunk bed tonight and I pretended to be a monster!!! Simple moments like laughing with my kids makes me very happy.
.-= Jodie at Mummy Mayhem´s last blog ..Hot or Not? Brian McFadden =-.
This post make me smile!
For me happiness is in the everyday things. My cup of coffee in the morning, my littlest one’s warm cheeks when he wakes up, seeing my husband’s face as he walks in to the house at night, the way my muscles ache after a great run. To me it is all of the little bits of everyday happiness that add up to a really happpy life.
.-= Magically Ordinary´s last blog ..It’s Party Time! =-.
Oh yes – happiness is a cup of coffee in the morning!
Many times, it’s the little things that bring me happiness – the smell of rain, the first sip of coffee in the morning. But my 2 most important are the sound of my kids laughing – that deep down, uncontrollable, contagious giggle; and knowing that even when life gets rough, I have the support of my husband and we get through those things together.
.-= All You Need is Love´s last blog ..I Have to Learn to Let Go =-.
I agree, supporting each other even through the tough times makes you come out of it stronger.
I find I’m the most happy when I take time to just be. To look around me and think of all the wonderful things I have, of all the wonderful things that have happened to me, of all the beautiful things in this world. I have an awesome husband who makes me smile, I have two beautiful children, a home, plenty to eat and I live in a fantastic country that I love. Who could ask for more?!?!
Jenica – I love that, “I have an awesome husband who makes me smile, I have two beautiful children, a home, plenty to eat and I live in a fantastic country that I love. Who could ask for more?!?!” – You are blessed! Thanks so much for sharing and stopping by Theta Mom!
What a wonderful project!
Happiness is coming home at the end of the day, marking my children’s height on the door frame, kissing them after they have fallen asleep, my husband’s hand in mine, the first jacket-less day in spring. So many things!
.-= Katherine´s last blog ..Newly Planted =-.
Katherine – I know, so many things! And yes, it IS a wondeful project that has my 100% support.
So many things make me happy…but my family makes me the most happy of all!!
.-= Tiffany´s last blog ..One =-.
What a beautiful post! Very well written.
Happiness is that first cup of coffee in the morning, spring wildflowers, and that first moment of inspiration when a really great idea comes to you- you don’t have to act on it yet, you can just *think* about it.
Thank you so much Amy! And “thinking” about that first moment of inspiration? Priceless!
So timely! I’m currently reading The Happiness Project and trying to work Gretchin Rubin’s resolutions into my life. My favorite so far is to focus on enjoying the process. Stressing over birthday parties and the like inherently make the event less fun. But enjoying the journey, well, that’s the real prize. I think.
.-= Kami´s last blog ..Not That Innocent =-.
Already follow. Hope you do as well! LOVE your blog!
Visit me at http://www.jonbonjovious.blogspot.com and sign up for my newest giveaway!
Happiness for me if felling accomplished. Seeing my children flourish, making good choices, taking the high road, writing something I’m proud of or feeling very full in my belly, haha. Great post, can’t want to see this in People magazine, thanks for letting us know!
.-= Your Mommy Friend Lori´s last blog ..Now That I’m a Mother =-.
Aww…EVERYTHING you mention does sound like happiness! Just sitting here thinking about those things brought a smile to my face!
Have a great weekend!
You’ve been having some really great, thought provoking posts!
How do I define happiness? … By the quality of my relationships with others. By keeping a balanced life. Nature. Relaxing. Laughing and ENJOYING life. Living to the fullest.
.-= Gerber Days´s last blog ..100 Calorie Snack Packs~ Homemade! =-.
I think happiness is about contentment, about living our lives for the experience, treasuring the special moments and learning from but not dwelling on those moments that help us grow. amber
.-= amber´s last blog ..Friday Follow (April 9) =-.
Free bag of potato chips
Free digital camera
(looking around) hmmmmm . . .
Today sucks.
Not sure what to make of this comment?
All better. Have chips.
Your kids are beautiful! For me right now happiness is looking at my daughter and realizing … “oh my god, I made that”!
Thanks for another great post and have a wonderful weekend
Clarity amongst confusion…..I like that. Sounds like my life right now
Happy day Heather!
thank you for this. isn’t it funny how happiness changes as we grow older. what makes me happy now is so much different then what made me happy even a couple of years ago. i sit on the couch with my loving husband, my amazing daughter and two dogs and its this comfort that makes me happy. not things, but people (and pups!).
i’m going over to check out their site!
.-= ericka @ alabastercow´s last blog ..dear twelve-year-old ericka, =-.
I want one of those “a damn good hair days”!!
Wonderful post!
Giggling fits with my two year-old
A deep conversation with my husband
Dinner prepared and cleaned up by somebody else
Thinking about my kids in the small amount of time I’m not with them
Nap time
Great post! It really is fun to think about the daily moments that make us happy!
.-= Kim´s last blog ..The Road I Took (And How It Made All the Difference) =-.
The way the light shines through my living room windows on a Saturday Morning. My two dogs playing in the living. My son smiling up at me when I go to get him out of his crib. Finding out my sons AFP level is back to normal…….
The little things in life make this momma happy!
.-= Beth´s last blog ..No Good Title…. =-.
-our black lab greeting us every day like she hasn’t seen us in weeks!
-my kids’ fuzzy heads when they stumble out for breakfast on school mornings
-our “Morning Hugs”
-herons flying over mist shrouded ponds
-a hot humid day spent poolside, listening to the shrieks of water-logged children having the time of their lives
-the first snowfall
-catching up with my best friend via e-mail. I live in Arkansas, she lives in Virginia. Sometimes we’ll e-mail up to 10 times a day!
-laughing, laughing, laughing
-summer evenings
-getting lost in a book
-holding my husband’s hand
.-= Katie’s Dailies´s last blog ..Oh, This Is A Good One! =-.
I’m your newest follower from FF. Can’t wait to read more, stop by my blog sometime! Happy FF!
Happiness is often where you least expect to find it. And for some reason, sometimes I need to be clubbed over the head with it before I figure it out. Am I the only Happiness Impaired mom out there? I posted about finding a little happiness within a choice I made today, with my post What Am I Missing When I Say No? I am so thankful for blogging. It is often through the pictures and stories that I end up writing that I learn a lot about myself.
I will definitely be participating in the Happiness Exhibit.
.-= It’s Messy @Bungalow’56´s last blog ..Anything For Me? =-.
Happiness is……
fitting in to a pair of sie 8 jeans
not being called into the principles office (again) this week
chocolate of course
and probably most importantly knowing at the end of the day knowing there is no where else I would rather be than w/ The Husband and children. Soooo cheesy huh?
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..The Husband and his two wives =-.
I love the flowers! Happiness is having my family happy, safe, healthy & together!
.-= Kate´s last blog ..HAPPY EASTER! =-.
Happiness is:
My son’s slow smile,
Some time to myself in my studio,
And settling into my husband’s arms at the end of a long day.
Yes, settling into my husbands arm is great. I love the feeling of security that comes over me.
.-= M.e.:Daily´s last blog ..Where did this come from?! =-.
What I always think, and often say, is “no matter where I go, THIS is home.”
Happiness is sitting out on the lanai at the 16th hole of a spectacular golf course blogging in the heat. Gotta love being on vacation in Florida.
.-= Respectfully Yours´s last blog ..Where did Respectfully Yours Go? =-.
That does sound like paradise!
My babies are definitely my happiness. My husband is also my happiness but they are completely different kinds of happy. My camera makes me happy because it gives me a piece of myself that belongs to just me and no one else through my photography.
.-= Michelle Pixie´s last blog ..It’s A Blog Party =-.
I love my camera! And my pictures. Going through my pictures is a favorite past time of mine : )
.-= M.e.:Daily´s last blog ..Where did this come from?! =-.
Lovely post. For me happiness is the laughter of my kids! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that sound!
Happy Friday Everyone!
.-= Accustomed Chaos´s last blog ..Follow Friday: Fun Finds =-.
Oooh, a beautiful flower arrangement! That’s worth more than our men can ever know.
Lately, happiness is my husband home in time for dinner with our kids,
a clean kitchen,
a laundry-free bedroom,
American Idol with popcorn,
seeing my kids entertain their grandparents.
Thanks, Theta Mom, what a happy post!
American Idol with popcorn – you are awesome, I LOVE that!
I love this idea. I’ve been doing a Project 365 this year (one picture each day) and it had really made me think about the little things and capturing the moments.
.-= Tracie´s last blog ..-Project 365 Week 15 =-.
That little twinkle in my husband’s eye, with a crooked smile, that lets me know how much he loves me.
Watching my kids snuggled on the couch together.
Slurpees and Chocolate.
A night with good games and great friends.
Stopping by from SITS! =]
Great list!
I loooove that glimmer in my husband’s eye. Coincidentally, it’s the same when he’s up to something…
.-= M.e.:Daily´s last blog ..Where did this come from?! =-.
Now I’m feeling all happy…hey do you get to keep the camera???? Hope so!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
Alex aka Ma What’s For Dinner
.-= Alex aka Ma What’s For Dinner´s last blog ..Italian Shepherd’s Pie aka Pastore Pasticcio =-.
Yes, that was a way of the company “thanking” me for sharing this campaign with my readers.
What a great campaign! Those pictures of your kids are priceless. My kids are my ultimate happiness as well!
.-= The Daily Dribbles´s last blog ..LOI: Dear Blogger No-Reply =-.
Lays does do a pretty good job at defining happiness!
Stopping by from SITS
Stop by my blog for giveaways galore!
Happiness is my family. My husband and my children are everything and make this mama the happiest mommy alive. Happiness is watching them achieve their goals and their faces light up when those goals are achieved. A happy healthy family is what I call happiness!
.-= Nichol´s last blog ..The Madeline Movie: Lost In Paris Review and Giveaway! =-.
Such a lovely post!
Happiness for me:
Springtime warm sunny weather and the smell of mulch because it means that things will be blooming soon.
Hanging out with my husband.
Cuddling with my kitties.
A clean apartment.
Driving with the windows down, playing my favorite songs and not even really needing a destination!
.-= Salt´s last blog ..Mmmm. Pretty ponies. =-.
Love that happiness has become the word of the moment. Loved the Happiness Project, and now can’t wait to check out this campaign. Good for Lays… also thanks for explaining how the “payoff” worked for you to post this. I was curious throughout reading it so truly appreciate your openness. It’s really admirable and fascinating to see how the publicity stuff works in the blogging world. Thanks!
.-= Rachel @ MWF Seeking BFF´s last blog ..A Family Affair? =-.
My husband and I are at cross roads in our lives and have been examining this question a lot lately. We live in Manhattan, away from our families in Florida, but where there is an abundance of more opportunity for our careers. Over the past three years, we’ve been debating what makes us happiest.
What is resoundingly clear is that our children, their growth, their happiness, their giggles (especially when they’re giggling together, at the same time!) make us happy. Our time together as a family is always precious.
I love talking over things I’m passionate about with like minded people. It is so refreshing!
.-= M.e.:Daily´s last blog ..Where did this come from?! =-.
Happiness is not one thing. It is in us and certain things remind us.
.-= UnknownMami´s last blog ..Fragmented Fridays =-.
I love your list of happy things. I agree with all of them. These days, I would have to add for myself, the great big squeezy hugs my daughter has been giving me every morning and watching my son reading on his own for the first time. Awesome stuff.
.-= The Grown-Up Child´s last blog ..I Don’t Know Why Elin Stayed, But I Get it =-.
Happiness is so many things.
I recognize some of the happiest moments of my life as the ones that pass by without effort. Insignificant things like time, jobs, busy schedules and long lists of things to do are forgotten. It’s when I don’t even realize I am in a moment, because I’m absorbed by it and everything else falls away.
Content silence with the Hubs as we watch a summer sunset.
Laughing with Bubs.
Closing my eyes while I stretch after a workout when my mind is at ease. The list goes on and on.
.-= Larry’s Ass – A mommy blog with a twist!´s last blog ..First-time-parent here! Blatant and obvious. =-.
Can’t wait to check out the campaign…definitely will be following you!
realizing that even when money is tight, a job is lost, the house is in disrepair…I still have all I need…and more.
.-= gigi´s last blog ..When Should Kids Get Trophies? =-.