For my time out this month I actually attended a baby shower and this happened to be one of the very BEST baby showers I ever attended. Why? Because the girls who planned the event followed three simple rules which I highly recommend:
1. Don’t play those ‘Baby Bingo’ games with the M&M’s: It’s torturous. Everything the mommy-to-be will open at a baby shower looks like this: onesies, booties, a million cute tiny outfits that the baby will wear no more than one time and 5,000 bottle warmers. Really, how many times can I write that on a bingo card?
2. Don’t assign seating: Let the girls sit with who they want to talk to. Implementing a forced seating arrangement is such a buzz kill. It’s like being back in fifth grade sitting at the lunch table next to someone you can’t stand. Trust me on this one, let the ladies duke it out and find their own seats.
3. Serve some alcohol: For the love of God, let’s remember that not everyone is pregnant at this party – so sorry that the guest of honor can’t drink, but the rest of us sure as hell can! Be sure to offer up some booze for the ladies so that the 5 hour long gift-opening-fest goes a little more quickly.
I wanted to mix some humor into this post today and I hope I made you smile since I have some other news to share…
This will be the last Time Out for Theta Mom Thursday. I began this meme on a weekly basis shortly after I launched this blog and found that it was too difficult to maintain on a weekly basis. I then moved the meme to once a month and as much as I love my time outs, this meme has run its course. I have to continue to make decisions for this blog that work for me and I have more exciting plans on the horizon for Theta Mom that I really need to focus on. Time Out Thursday’s will now become a significant part of the archives. I really appreciate all of you fabulous ladies who have joined me at one point or another in this meme. I had fun reading about how you spent some “me” time away from the kids and I encourage you to continue carving out some time for yourselves!
On a happier note, I am beyond exited to share the milestone that TMC has reached! In less than two months of the launch, we are now 300+ members strong and we continue to grow. I know many of you belong to a bunch of blogging communities and you are all essentially looking for the same thing – to build a readership and gain support from other bloggers. So how do you maximize your time and energy at TMC to make it work for you? Browse through the listings and visit the blogs of sincere interest and tell them you found them through TMC. I’ve seen it in action and it works! This truly is the best way to meet and support other bloggers in your niche. And don’t forget to show some love to the Featured Blogger (link located on the navigation bar) which goes live every Friday! Make it a part of your blog routine to visit TMC regularly and of course the FB of the week.
And as a side note, I wanted to express a sincere thank you to so many of you who took the time to comment on my recent post. It has been quite a learning experience for me over the last two weeks and I’ve had some time to really reflect on this issue. Moving forward, I’ve decided that I will continue to write to my heart’s content – this will never change and although I will continue to share some photos when the moment calls for them, it will be few and far between.
I must admit it has been comforting to know I am not alone as so many of you have been struggling with this same exact issue at some point with your own blogs. I don’t have the perfect answer on this one but what I can share is my experience and hope that you can relate to it in some way – which many of you have and I thank you for sharing your experience with me. As always, I have the best readers on the planet. Thank you for being such an active supporter of my blog. It really means more than you know.
And if you are participating in Theta Mom Thursday for the very last time, link up and share with me!
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Hi! I have an award for you at I know you are a well loved blogger and you probably get too many awards, so no need to accept if you don’t do awards. I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog. If you do stop by, check out my first webpage review. I’d really love the feedback. Have a Great weekend!
.-= Kel´s last blog ..Review: =-.
I am totally ANTI GAMES at any shower. They drive me nutty. When I go to a party just give me a glass of wine and let me mingle. because more than likely that is the first time I have been out without the kids who I play games with ALL THE TIME!!
.-= This Mama Works It!´s last blog ..Can We Talk About Passion? What Does That Word Mean To You? Here Are My Thoughts.. =-.
haha Great tips to follow the next time I’m planning a shower BUT I love games!! lol All my friends hate them too. I don’t get it! They’re fun and make people smile if you pic good ones ;p
.-= Tara Bucci´s last blog ..MomSpace Blogger of the Week =-.
I’m so glad you hate shower games too. And I laughed when I read that you prefer showers with alcoholic beverages—AMEN! I have had several functions lately (showers and other things) that would’ve been so much better with alcohol (and I promise I’m not a lush, just like to relax w/ a glass of vino every so often!)!
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Bringing Mom Sexy Back with The Mommyologist (No Leotard Required) =-.
Found your blog on MBC. I’m following you now on your blog, Facebook and Twitter. I would love it if you would follow me too:
Hi there,
I’ve been out of the loop for a while due to house moving and getting stuck with the airline stuff and blah blah blah. Anyway I’ve got some internet access and some great bloggy friends who’ve helped me out with some guest posts. Catch up time now!
I’ve never been to a baby shower, it’s kind of a superstition thing here not to have a celebration before the birth. They are starting to appear occasionally cause some people like any excuse for a party (people like me!). We’re going to have a ‘cupcake party’ for a friend and celebrate her pregnancy but give her pampering things as she’s quite traditional not accepting baby gifts yet but likes the idea of some kind of get together. We’re going to have an afternoon tea style party. It’s really interesting to read your opinions though as I’ve got no experience!
Have a lovely day,
.-= Jade @ No Longer 25´s last blog ..A Googlable 1 Year Blogiversary =-.