clueless mama says January 18, 2010 at 1:13 am He is adorable! How do you get the name across the picture? .-= clueless mama´s last blog ..Wen Healthy Hair Care System: Must Have for My Shower =-. Reply
Amy says January 18, 2010 at 1:29 am What a cutie! .-= Amy´s last blog ..P.A.T. Visit and Preschool =-. Reply
Michele says January 18, 2010 at 10:15 am What a great shot. If I were J Crew I’d call him for sure!!! 😉 .-= Michele´s last blog ..Not Me Monday =-. Reply
Andrea says January 18, 2010 at 11:43 am Soooo handsome! .-= Andrea´s last blog ..Logan’s Grandfather =-. Reply
@WannabeMomErin says January 18, 2010 at 12:31 pm What a looker! .-= @WannabeMomErin´s last blog ..I wish I could do more =-. Reply
Jane says January 18, 2010 at 3:18 pm Too adorable! Does he have a contract yet? .-= Jane´s last blog ..I’m Dumping The Labels And Embracing ALL Of My Friends =-. Reply
Jean Myles says January 18, 2010 at 7:30 pm You are gonna have to watch that one… .-= Jean Myles´s last blog .. =-. Reply
Loukia says January 18, 2010 at 9:09 pm He is adorable! And I LOVE J.Crew. Heaven. .-= Loukia´s last blog ..Two! =-. Reply
Stefanie says January 18, 2010 at 10:28 pm CUTE!!! .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..Not Me Monday =-. Reply
Becca says January 19, 2010 at 12:09 pm OMG what an adorable pic. His eyes actually look really piercing. .-= Becca´s last blog ..Youth In Revolt =-. Reply
Theta Mom says January 19, 2010 at 5:50 pm Thanks for the sweet words ladies about my little man! 😉 .-= Theta Mom´s last blog ..Are You In at Theta Mom? =-. Reply
Salt says January 19, 2010 at 7:18 pm Ohmigosh look at him!! He should be in ads. .-= Salt´s last blog ..I’ll take lockjaw for $500 please, Alex. =-. Reply
Holly L says January 19, 2010 at 10:30 pm Perfect! .-= Holly L´s last blog ..Chalk It Up…A DIY Quickie =-. Reply
UnknownMami says January 19, 2010 at 10:49 pm Gorgeous. .-= UnknownMami´s last blog ..Got Tungsten? =-. Reply
If I were JCrew, I would call! Hunky little guy!
He is adorable! How do you get the name across the picture?
.-= clueless mama´s last blog ..Wen Healthy Hair Care System: Must Have for My Shower =-.
What a cutie!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..P.A.T. Visit and Preschool =-.
What a great shot.
If I were J Crew I’d call him for sure!!! 😉
.-= Michele´s last blog ..Not Me Monday =-.
Soooo handsome!
.-= Andrea´s last blog ..Logan’s Grandfather =-.
What a looker!
.-= @WannabeMomErin´s last blog ..I wish I could do more =-.
Too adorable! Does he have a contract yet?
.-= Jane´s last blog ..I’m Dumping The Labels And Embracing ALL Of My Friends =-.
You are gonna have to watch that one…
.-= Jean Myles´s last blog .. =-.
He is adorable! And I LOVE J.Crew. Heaven.
.-= Loukia´s last blog ..Two! =-.
.-= Stefanie´s last blog ..Not Me Monday =-.
OMG what an adorable pic. His eyes actually look really piercing.
.-= Becca´s last blog ..Youth In Revolt =-.
Thanks for the sweet words ladies about my little man! 😉
.-= Theta Mom´s last blog ..Are You In at Theta Mom? =-.
Ohmigosh look at him!! He should be in ads.
.-= Salt´s last blog ..I’ll take lockjaw for $500 please, Alex. =-.
.-= Holly L´s last blog ..Chalk It Up…A DIY Quickie =-.
.-= UnknownMami´s last blog ..Got Tungsten? =-.
too cute!!!