***This contest is now closed. Congratulations Shelley Henley. An email has been sent. ***
In honor of this blog reaching 1,000 followers I thought it would be super fun to do my very own giveaway! Since a Zhu Zhu Pet seems to be the hottest “must have” toy for the 2009 holiday season, I would love to give a Zhu Zhu Pet to a child who would really want it!
This is not a review or sponsored giveaway, it’s just a fun Theta Mom giveaway that I am doing myself.
So if a Zhu Zhu Pet is of interest to you, all you have to do is follow my blog and leave me a comment letting me know you want to be entered. Just like any other giveaway, I will select a winner at random using random.org. But this time, I will personally ship it out to the winner! I will end the contest on December 17th at 10 pm.
A follow and a comment will do, but if you would like one extra entry, become a fan of Theta Mom on Facebook. I love my FB fans!!! You can become a fan here.
Feel free to tweet to your heart’s content and vote for me at Top Mommy Blogs, too. 😉 Now let’s get this Zhu Zhu Party officially started!
I follow your blog and would love to win this for my grandson.
My Grandniece is one of those children whom has to have this! I wonder how long before her cat would destroy it?
I follow your blog & I’m a fan on Facebook & I follow on Twitter!
Oh and Ive voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
You’re blog rocks!! And my god-daughter wants one of these sooo bad, but they are completly sold out in my area!
.-= Meg @ Manic Mommy´s last blog ..Great Contest – Demi Bella Giveaway at Theta Mom =-.
I would love to be entered in this fantastic giveaway. My daughter just turned 5 and she wants Zhu Zhu pets because 1) She somehow heard all about them and got into them and 2) Her name is Zoe and we sometimes call her Zu Zu.
.-= Kristina´s last blog ..Holiday sweaters: Festive fashion or just plain tacky? =-.
I am a fan on Facebook. Yay!
.-= Kristina´s last blog ..Holiday sweaters: Festive fashion or just plain tacky? =-.
I am now following your blog
.-= Kristina´s last blog ..Holiday sweaters: Festive fashion or just plain tacky? =-.
And I’m tweeting this and following you on Twitter (I’m @sourwine).
And my emails for the entries above is kristina (dot) sauerwein (at) me (dotcom).
.-= Kristina´s last blog ..Holiday sweaters: Festive fashion or just plain tacky? =-.
I am following and want to win!
.-= Nickel Pickle´s last blog ..Apericots-Organic baby clothes review & giveaway! =-.
I am a fan on facebook.
.-= Nickel Pickle´s last blog ..Apericots-Organic baby clothes review & giveaway! =-.
I got a cage ready!
I am a follower. I would love to win for my niece! Thanks!
I follow your blog. My daughter would love one of these!
I follow your blog.
I have tried to bid on one, I have called constantly to find one, my daughter really wants one, and time is running out. I just wanted to get my little girl one.
I follow your blog–please enter me!
Would love to get a zhu zhu pet for my little girl. she has been wanting one since her birthday (sept) but they are no where to be found! Hope I will win it for her for a surprise Chanukah present!
Happy Holidays!
What an awsome give away. My daught like many would be thrilled if her zhu zhu pet was in her stocking from Santa!
I follow your blog and would love to be entered. Thank you!
new follower of this great blog
new fan on facebook
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
Please enter me to win this for my daughter.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I follow your blog, thanks!
Please enter me in your contest! My niece would love this silly toy that’s all the rage now!
I’d love to enter this.
I follow and would love to win.
enter me thanks
Would love to win zuzu pet for my granddaughter.
They are so cute.
I am a follower and would love to win
facebook fan
I am a follower and my daughter would LOVE this! Thanks for the chance.
I am a facebook fan.
I would love to win this!! I’m a follower
I visit your blog frequently and Abagail would love this for Christmas! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
I follow and I know my girl would love this. Thanks
I am following and would love to win this.
I am a follower and my daughter would LOVE this! Thanks!
I follow your blog and would love to win this for my daughter.
.-= Jammie´s last blog ..For Bryson =-.
I follow your blog with Google Friend Connect – Tricia31
I would like to be entered to win this for my 5 1/2 year old daughter who really wants one of these little critters!
I am a facebook fan of yours – Tricia Gatte Andrews
I’d like to win; a very excited 4 year old would like me to win.
would love to win this, thanks
I am a follower and would love to win the hottest toy of the season! Thanks for the chance!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
My kids have been asking for these!
I follow your blog and would love to be entered to win this! the little boy I babysit always says he wants one! thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to be entered into this giveaway! Thanks !