Adorably funny! We tried to grow pumpkins in our yard this year but it didn't work out so we too will be going to the great pumpkin patch Charlie Brown, lol. I love fall! YAY!!!
It's almost pumpkin patch time again isn't it? I just love that time of year. That is the cutest picture. He looks like he wore himself out. I bet he slept great that night, huh?
So sweet. Reminds me that pumpking picking time is coming up! My dad grows these huge ones as well, but since he is having health issues they had to move and it will be the last year for grandpa pumpkins
This is so adorable! We don't get that many pumpkins in England. The one's that we have are bought from stores and imported, but these fields look really good! He would have slept well that night! At the moment, we are busy picking pea-pods, but by the time they arrive home, all the peas are usually eaten!
Oh, I am SO looking forward to pumpkin-picking! I've been pushing to do it in September, but hubby thinks it's more of a Halloween-time activity so I always have to wait until mid-October… =(
(BTW, I'm pretty sure I'll end up having to bribe my 2-year-old with something similar so he'll sit still for a decent picture… LOL!)
Awww – what a cutie
He is cute! Dropping in from SITs to say hello!
Love the caption to this picture!
Very cute!
THat's something that we don't get here… but I'm sure that it's something that I'm sure my kids would love!
Haha…cute !
Adorably funny! We tried to grow pumpkins in our yard this year but it didn't work out so we too will be going to the great pumpkin patch Charlie Brown, lol. I love fall! YAY!!!
Very cute! It is hard work.
haha, too cute!
So cute! I can't wait to go the the pumpkin patch and corn maze this year!
Last year, I had to prop Baby Boy up in the middle of the pumpkins to get a picture.
So adorable!
It's almost pumpkin patch time again isn't it? I just love that time of year.
That is the cutest picture. He looks like he wore himself out. I bet he slept great that night, huh?
Too sweet!
So sweet. Reminds me that pumpking picking time is coming up! My dad grows these huge ones as well, but since he is having health issues they had to move and it will be the last year for grandpa pumpkins
This is so adorable! We don't get that many pumpkins in England. The one's that we have are bought from stores and imported, but these fields look really good!
He would have slept well that night! At the moment, we are busy picking pea-pods, but by the time they arrive home, all the peas are usually eaten!
Oh, I am SO looking forward to pumpkin-picking! I've been pushing to do it in September, but hubby thinks it's more of a Halloween-time activity so I always have to wait until mid-October… =(
(BTW, I'm pretty sure I'll end up having to bribe my 2-year-old with something similar so he'll sit still for a decent picture… LOL!)
Happy WW!
I'm so excited to take my little guy to the pumpkin patch this year! I've never been, so it'll be a new experience for us both.
Almost pumpkin season! I love Fall!
YAY I love the pumpkin patch!!
Awww…brings back memories. He is such a cutie.
He is sooo cute! Love this picture! 😀
Hehehe, very cute. It's just about time to find the great pumpkin!
Aww, how cute! Love pumpkin picking! We will be going in October.
Haha – great shot.
Cute picture! I can't wait to get a pumpkin this year. That is always a lot of fun!
I LOVE LOVE pumpkin patch pictures..great caption too.
Cute picture! I love pumpkin patch pictures! The capture the season so well!
Pumpkin picking is exhausting
Now pass the Ritz!
Love the pic! Can't believe its that time already.
Those big pumpkins come in handy for tired guys
Great photo!
Is it too soon to have a pumpkin on my front porch? It was time to pick it. Grew it in my garden.
hee hee
How funny! That totally what he looks like!
Too cute….love it
What a little cutie! Pumpkin hunting is exhausting.
Picking the perfect pumpkin is definitely hard work!!! What an adorable picture!
So cute! I LOVE pumpkin patches and this time of year! Yeah for Fall, it's almost here! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!
I can't wait to go the our pumpkin farm.
That is so cute! I am far to excited about going to the pumpkin patch next month, we always have such a great time.
cute! i love the pumpkin patch.
Cute picture!
So cute! Thanks for the follow! How in the world do you get so many comments…I'm so jealous!!
Great picture! I can't believe it's almost pumpkin picking time already!!
Two of Everything
Yeah!! I can't wait to pick pumpkins with the kids. So much fun. Yes, in AZ we do have pumpkin patches! LOL
Stopped in from SITS, What a darling picture! I adore pics in Pumpkin Patches. Can't wait for our local ones to open at the end of the month.
haha that is adorable1
ha ha love the caption! Thanks so much for the follow
Cute picture! Is it pumpkin time already?
Is there anything cuter than a kid in a pumpkin patch? I don't think so.
So who carried him home? And who carried the pumpkin…cute