Alright, you already know I am a Theta Mom. I am the real deal. When it comes to the reality of motherhood, I’m ready to dish the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is the true essence of a Theta Mom.
So, keeping this blog truly authentic, if you haven’t read in a previous post, I’ll tell you again that I hate to cook. In fact, I loathe cooking.
I do it because if I don’t, we die. It’s really that simple.
When I think of the “perfect” mother, June Cleaver comes to mind. I have this fixed image of her in the kitchen where she spent most of her time. Fresh baked cookies coming out of the oven daily; preparing all home cooked meals with a smile on her face… Hey, she was a “good” mother, so naturally she was a good cook, right?
I am what you would call a slow cooker. I like to add ingredients to one pot and call it a day. Yes ladies, I prefer to “cut and dump.”
Rachel Ray made a career out of making 30 Minute Meals. I am still convinced one day I will have my own cooking show called Cut and Dump for mothers exactly like me. Cut open the package and just dump it in. Yes, dinner is now served.
So, you can imagine my sheer happiness when I met Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. This is the ultimate cut and dump. A meal in a box, but the bonus is that my kids absolutely love it.
But Thetas, it gets even better…
I recently discovered that Kraft came out with self-serving portions called Easy Mac. Yes, this is one slice of heaven for me!
Just add water.
Microwave: 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
Kraft, bless you.
Cut in dump huh? I love it!
well we both know i'm no JC…BUT I GOT LUCKY…my "ward" went to culinary school….yay 4 me!
You're too funny. I love June Cleaver. She did it all while wearing uncomfortable dresses and heels.
I love cooking but sometimes finding the time to chop veggies, thaw meat, make a glaze, prepare dessert…there just aren't enough hours.
In college I lived off Easy Mac! We still keep a cache of it in the house for a rainy (lazy day) 😛
There is abdolutely nothing wrong with the "cut and dump!"
I used to hate cooking. Then I realized that it got me a break from the kids. Now, I have become an excellent cook!
LOL!!! you are so.. funny.. Love it!!!!
Being the oldest girl of my mom's kids, I started cooking when I was 8. It was always fun and never a chore. I love food and I love it even more when my family enjoys it.
I avoid feeding my kids the microwaveable meals, but I'll admit that when no one is looking, I do enjoy a quick meal like mac & cheese for lunch at work.
I'm the opposite I LOVE LOVE to cook but I have zero time to do it with four children.
Love Mac n Cheese though.
ROFL. Cut and dump! I LOVE IT.
Tell ya what. I LOVE to cook. You can move to Cali and I'll be the neighbor who just dumps the heap of food on your door step! I always look for taste testers. *grin
It's even better when the kids get old enough to make their own eazy mac!
Cut and Dump. LOL I love it. I`m a big fan of that cooking style. We share the same cooking philosophy.
I want you to know that I`ve been really enjoying reading your blog and have added your button to my blog.
I'm right there with you for the most part. I like cooking, but I don't like HAVING to cook.
Kraft cups are a staple here. Mostly for me.
Believe it or not, my 9 year old son cooks more than I do. He's the king of omlettes!
The first time I was pregnant, i ate Easy Mac like crazy! Loved it! This was before I stopped eating gluten. Now, if I could just find an Easy Mac made with rice pasta, I'd be in heaven!!
And thanks for the good wishes on my blog. I appreciate it so much! I'm staying positive!!
My kids get that on a weekly basis. I love it!
Love the Cut and Dump, lol. I have my moments where I don't mind cooking but I hate it when it feels like such of a chore.
My favorite take out is from Boston Market…almost like home cooked! lol
That is too funny… I cannot *even* imagine the chemicals involved in this, but hey, a girl's gotta eat!
Last night I was so hungry, I ate part of a can of cold baked beans from Trader Joes. Yeah… we go real gourmet in our household, lol.
You must be a fan of anything in a pouch that's microwavable!
Kraft is the only kind of macaroni and cheese that I like. No substitutions even come close!
LOL! I have to admit that I don't mind cooking…most of the time…but I'm also a huge fan of "cut and dump" meals…just never knew that's what they were called!
Cooking? Me no likey.
Cut and dump is a great term for what I do! I love it! Cut and dump. I'm gonna have to say it outloud a few times just for fun!
I try to actually cook…but every once in awhile cut and dump or "order and deliver" is just what the doctor ordered.
Three degrees of mac and cheese:
1. Make it from the box
2. Make it with Easy Mac
3. Get the kids to make their own
I am proud to be a third degree mac and cheeser. Great post.
lol! yep..some days we have to eat what cooks fast…
although i love cooking from scratch myself..
i added you to my blogroll
I don't necessarily mind the cooking, but if you can find a cut and dump method of cleaning, I am ALL for it!
LOL! Luckily my husband does most of the cooking. I hate it also.
'cut and dump' too funny!
I don't mind cooking myself, but I need to follow a recipe so I usually don't have time to make the things I really want. Cut and dump meals are good in a pinch. I also like the restaurant kind :).
Don't forget the very last step….let cool for a good long while. That stuff is always burning hot when it's done! But very convenient, I agree 😛
haha! Too funny. That really is an awesome invention…more than once I've been thankful for it when I realized that it's dinner time and I have nothing prepared!
This is too funny!
Thanks for following me…I'm your latest follower now too! Your blog looks great, and I can't wait to read more.
Easy Mac and Bagel Bites are among my favorites for those nights when I just don't want to cook – or when I want a night out and need to leave dinner to the hubby (who absolutely cannot cook — at least according to him, personaly I think it's his way of not having too)
LOL My sister loves those for her 3 year old. It is definitely a staple.
I can cook, but I hate it. I also hate grocery shopping. But I need to start to make a better effort – when the pizza guy knows what you want without you even telling him, thats when the light bulb goes off!!
I would totally watch a show like that BTW! It would be the ultimate in food marketing!
Button grabbed BTW. And I love the layout!! SO FUN!
I see now why I love you so. YOu are my perfect match. I loathe cooking. Blech.
… and if you could cook it on your lap top, it would be perfect.
Aren't slow cookers wonderful! Weren't they called crock pots once?
My only problem with cooking is deciding what to have.
Does Rachel Ray ever get depressed? She's ALWAYS smiling..makes me think she's up to something.
Ha ha! My kids would be so happy if I made Mac and Cheese more often. I actually like coming up with new meals. But Mac and Cheese is always fun!
I don't cook at all either. I suck at it, plus my husband is willing to do it so why would I bother to learn?
Love the Easy Mac! Anything you can microwave it GOOD!
LMAO!! You are a riot sister….I am your polar opposite as I LOVE to cook. Anytime you need an easy idea I can send some over to you. I have perfected my fine art of short order cooking.
I do not like cooking either! I found that Easy Mac & Cheese and Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets (the 4 lb bag from BJs wholesale) always comes in handy!
Oh yes, I HATE cooking. Lucky me I can get my guy to do it at least half the time, haha! We do have mac and cheese (and spaghettio's too) for lunch alot though!
You are funny.
I don't love cooking either, but I do love to bake, so maybe that balances it out?…lol
This post is HILARIOUS! And I know exactly what you mean. I never cooked dinner the first six years my hubby and I were married. Then somehow, I'm not even sure how it happened, (I think it was after we had kids) I became the family chef.
Although, one great thing about having teenagers is that now I can make them do the cooking under the guise of teaching them an important life skill. 😉
We got right on the easy mac band wagon when it came out. There were tons of coupons. Now there are never coupons and when Sophia sees the regular old box she says "oh, man – not the box mom – I want the little bowl!" Oh well – it was easy it was just so expensive! I do love meals that you just dump in and cook though. Trader Joe's has a lot of them for the skillet that are pretty good and cheap!
Lol too funny!
42 comments?! Good gawd woman! How do you do it? That's a lot comments, that is.
So congrats on all the comments!
I hate cooking, too. I don't think that the best moms spend all their time in the kitchen like June Cleaver… I think the best moms spend all their time on the internet writing blogs… No wait. That doesn't sound right either… The best moms spend time with their kids. Yeah.
Does easy Mac taste like the regular Kraft dinner?
What a great blog! I found you thru my good friend Mimi @ H&M+3.
Im following now and will be back often.
Please feel free to stop by and visit us at The Fort anytime, you are always welcome.
Love and Prayers,
i love the "cut & dump" idea!!!! It stinks though, b/c I actually do enjoy to cook & bake. I thought w/ staying at home w/ my kids I would be able to more, but it is SO hard!! Of course, dinner time, my kids are so crabby and I have no patience to sit there and cook a nice meal (that they usually stick their noses up at). Oh well!! That's how we usually end up w/ mac & cheese or chicken nuggets….Maybe when they get older?
I use residency as an excuse that I have no time to cook. Let's face it, I think it's a chore and I'd much rather cut and dump, too.
Just wandering through via the MBC. It's nice to "meet" you!
(BTW, I'm now following you!)
too funny. For this post, I added you to my blogroll!
I despise cooking, too! Love Kraft mac and cheese. It's a crowd pleaser!
I don't know why I don't purchase those! My kids LOVE mac & cheese!!! This would make my life so much simpler!