“Keep diaper rash at bay, the Bummas way.
After the wipe and before the dipe, use a soft kiss of cloth to dry bums off!”
When my son was in diapers, I tried every “paste” imaginable and believe it or not, the only cream that ever worked for him was Triple Paste (and it was triple the price, believe me!) My children have such sensitive skin and this is just another reason why I love my Bummas! They are small, soft, luxurious baby-sized cloths made especially for drying baby bottoms. You can totally prevent irritating diaper rash without the use of any of those powders, talcs, or ointments. Bummas are eco-friendly, too!
I’ll be the first to say from experience that it’s so important to make sure baby’s bum is completely dry. Bummas help you do an effective job of doing exactly that! I recently started to use my Bummas with my baby girl. I feel confident that before I put her diaper on, her bum is completely dry because I’ve used my Bummas! It washes easily (again and again), it keeps her bum completely dry and I’ve even used them in the tub as a washcloth! Totally multi-functional, and as Theta Moms, we LOVE that!
Bummas were even featured in Pregnancy Magazine’s 120 Best Products for Mom and Baby in 2009!
1. Follow my Blog and tell me you do. (1 entry)
2. Follow me on Twitter and leave me your twitter name. (1 entry)
3. Grab one of my cute buttons and add it to your website. Leave me your link to show the buttons added. (2 entries)
4. Subscribe to my Blog. (1 entry)
5. Tweet this giveaway! Just copy the following: Enter to win a set of Bummas @ThetaMom http://tinyurl.com/lme5rq Please RT (1 entry per daily tweet)
Giveaway Rules:
This giveaway begins on August 29th and will end at midnight (ET) on September 13, 2009. One winner with a valid entry will be selected at random. The winner will be announced on this blog and must respond within 48 hours to claim with a current email address. Otherwise, another eligible entry will be chosen. This contest is open to US residents only.
Enter as many extra entries as your little bum desires Theta Moms and good luck!
I love my Bummas, do you?
i follow your blog as ethel
luvtosave at gmail.com
i follow you on twitter as luv_to_save
luvtosave at gmail.com
grabbed your cute button #1
luvtosave at gmail.com
grabbed your cute button #2
luvtosave at gmail.com
subscribed via reader
luvtosave at gmail.com
luvtosave at gmail.com
The Wild Ones!
http://twitter.com/clueless_mama/status/3726670854 Tweeted
Love these!!! The boys please 😉
I follow
Button up #1
Button up #2
daily tweet
luvtosave at gmail.com
I love the "Wild Ones"!
daily tweet
I LOVE the Wild Ones design!
I follow you on Twitter – Mom2Valerie
Tweet – http://twitter.com/Mom2Valerie/status/3756430285
I love THE BOYS set.
Im a follower.
I would pick the Calm Ones if I won…love the colors!
I use cloth diapers, but have yet to venture into the cloth wipes. I would love to try the Wild Ones set of Bummas.
I use cloth diapers, but have yet to venture into the cloth wipes. I would love to try the Wild Ones set of Bummas.
daily tweet
I would love the Wild Ones ~ love the variety!
I love the Calm Ones!
Tweet – http://twitter.com/Mom2Valerie/status/3777548470
You know you've got a link on my page. . .
Daily Tweet – http://twitter.com/Mom2Valerie/status/3797004993
I subscribed via reader!
Love the girls wild ones!
I added your button to my blog!
I want some Bummas
I'm a follower!
Now if I can just figure out Twitter!
I wants some Bummas!
Definietly the wild one! The colors are great and so vibrant!
i would choose the boys, thanks! clallen at ntin dot net
i follow you on twitter, clallen1971, thanks clallen at ntin dot net
i follow your blog, thanks clallen at ntin dot net
subscribed to your blog, thanks clallen at ntin dot net
tweeted http://twitter.com/clallen1971/status/3807867362 thanks, clallen at ntin dot net
The wild ones
I'd love to win a set of "the boys"! They are so fun, and great for cloth diapering!
I follow you on Twitter
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Mom2chunkymonky/statuses/3818776196
I follow your blog!
Grabbed your button 1: http://www.newlywednewlybred.com
grabbed your button 2: http://www.newlywednewlybred.com
The Wild Ones!
xtiggerroo at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog.
xtiggerroo at hotmail dot com
I follow on Twitter @EatCrayons
Here's a tweet! http://twitter.com/EatCrayons/status/3818982571