It was about 5:30 pm last Friday and I was sitting at my kitchen table. I was exhausted beyond words. It was a long day with the kids…
Spit up from earlier in the morning had dried to a repulsive orange color on my t-shirt and my son was asking me for the fiftieth time to play Memory. My hair was a complete greasy mess and I didn’t even have time to put on a respectable amount of make-up. You know the kind of day I’m describing…unfortunately, we know this all too well.
My plan for the evening was to meet my friend Vanessa who I haven’t seen in months. She has a little boy herself and we were looking forward to getting out of the house for some adult conversation and a glass of wine…or two…or three.
So this was my one hour of planned ‘Time Out for Theta Mom Thursday.’ The time would be spent away from the kids and I seriously could not wait! The thought of not having to deal with sippy cups, diapers and spit up for a few hours is always a luxury. But when she phoned me that evening, I felt so disgusting and distressed from the day that I almost bailed on her…You know the deal. I know you’ve been there before. I honestly told her how I felt. She had a long day herself, but after talking about it over the phone, she gave me a huge pep talk that I so desperately needed.
Did you ever make plans to go out, but right around the time you should be getting ready for the evening, you don’t even feel like getting ready? After such a L-O-N-G day with the kids, the “getting ready” part seems like one more thing to do on the endless list…
Needless to say, after we hung up I moved away from the kitchen table, went upstairs and got my groove on. I showered, dressed, threw on a cute outfit with jewelry (which I haven’t worn in ages), fixed my hair and carefully applied my make-up. I felt absolutely fantastic (especially when I wasn’t wearing spit up) and I was so glad she gave me that push to go…we all need that from time to time.
We went to a great little restaurant in the center of town and ended up having dinner outside because the weather was so gorgeous. We just talked and laughed for hours. Great company, great food, and great wine…it was a wonderful way to spend my ‘Time Out!’ I so needed that!
I know those days all too well. LOL That's great you got a chance to go out with your friend. I am sitting here trying to think about what I did. Oh yeah! Saturday I went out with my friend to the city wide rummage and then for lunch we went to Belgian Days. I wasn't brave enough to try the Belgian food but we did have a couple beers there. It was a fun day.
I have felt that same way so many times. I always make plans with friends and it sounds like so much fun but then when the time comes, I find myself too tired to muster the energy to go out. I've bowed out on more than a few dinner dates with friends because of this.
But after reading this post, I can see why it's important to not back out of these time-outs away from the kids and the chaos of our lives. It's so important to reconnect with our friends on an adult level…not just chatting about mommy stuff during a playdate.
I'm so glad you did go and you had a fun time!!
Oh yeah for you for going out. I hate to say it, but often I am guilty of bailing! (or worse, not making plans at all b/c I just know it is going to be so much work to get my butt organized, house cleaned up, and out of the house. If I had an hour to myself right now? Mani/Pedi. Sigh.
Hi Heather!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog! It's so fun to meet new blogging moms!
I totally relate to this post. I haven't gotten my "hour" this week, but I do try to pretty regularly. I have a friend who pretty much MAKES me get out and have a little fun — and not take myself too seriously. Even if I've got a ton to do I always feel better if I take that mental break. We all need a friend like that. Sounds like you've got one! ;0)
It's been very hard for me lately, postpartum has not been a good transition for me this time around.
a thursday challenge? mmmm. I"m always up for a challenge. been a rough week – we spent the weekend hauling up to my husbands high school reunion (20 yrs) and I knew ONE person – arrived home Sunday and hit Monday hard with swim practice, computer camp 20 minutes away, ballet camp, and a swim meet – it'll be a long recovery

currently I'm trying to pull the house together, my husband flies home tonight and he is SUCH a grouch if the house is a mess. but I'll work on it.
Hi… nice to "meet" you; (I'm following you back); I like your blog and the Theta Mom concept! Look forward to hearing more from you
I enjoyed reading your blog, it's very well put together.
My one hour away is usually spent outdoors in nature. I love going to a quiet park and just sitting, maybe bring a good book or a magazine I've been trying to read.
What a great idea! I just moved, so I haven't gotten a group of mom-friends here yet. I look forward to when I do!
I'm following you from the MBC Under 100 Club. I look forward to reading more!
Sometimes we all need a little pushing and pulling to get us out the door. Sounds like a great friend and a wonderful evening. Enjoy!
Love you little bloggy world here, so much fun, cute and I can't wait to return!
I completely know the feeling of wanting to bail. Almost did it last night to two of my best girlfriends. Thankfully, they dragged me out kicking and screaming for a great meal and some good laughs.
Oh yes, I know that feeling well. When I'm feeling particularly worn out and looking it, is usually when someone knocks on the door!
I'm having a busy week so this is how I'm spending my free "me" time – catching up on my fav. blogs!
I almost bailed out on my friends last night too. All I thought was that I could be home working out or writing or just relaxing. But I'm glad I decided to go after all. I had two Blueberry Mojitos that were absolutely delicious. We ended the night with some Chocolate Nachos and stood in the parking lot talking some more.
It's always worth it when you get to hang out with friends!
I often feel that way. By the end of the day, I'm just tired and it just seems like there is not time for me. But when I actually do it–make it in the shower and just go, it is wonderful!
Following (back!) via MBC! Did you see the giveaway on my blog? Check it out!
Thanks for the follow! The picture of the wine glass reminds me, I have wine chilling..haha Following you as well
I could have sworn I commented on this last week but it is not here. I will try to recreate my comment. Ready? OK…
I had plans with MY friend Vanessa but I backed out at the last minute. Since I woke up that morning I felt a shadow lurking over my alone time. I knew I would find a way to get out of it. And then it rained… That was a good enough excuse for me!
I actually wrote a post about self-sabotage. It is extremely hard to fight off sabotage when you are the one doing it to yourself.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I also graduated from Columbia!
Love your blog and this was a good post…..Hope you will visit me…