It’s no secret that I am a terrible cook. Everyone in my life knows that my style of cooking is the good old “cut and dump.” If you don’t know about my technical culinary training, then visit this post which fully explains my Cut and Dump method. It really is the only way we roll around here.
Sorry hubs.
Anyhoo, my son recently read Wemberly Worried in school and upon discussing the book (specifically what the character worried about), the class started to talk about the things that they each worry about in their own little seven year-old worlds.
They were given a piece of paper that had a whole list of things to choose from and the directions were to draw a circle around the things that make them worry. I couldn’t fit them all in the photo below, but you’ll get the idea. As you can see, there is quite a list to choose from including:
“When the principal calls me to the office, when there’s thunder and lightning, when a strange dog comes up to me, when I have to take a test,” and the list goes on…
So what did my son circle?
He’s worried when…
I guess the proof is on the paper.
Thanks honey.
That’s awesome! Don’t you love learning exactly what your kids think about you?!!! Lol
You never know what they really think of us until something like this, right? 😉
It could have been worse
Haha, that’s true!
I love it!!
My son is so honest! 😉