Time Out for Theta Mom Thursday is back and I am hosting this party once a month! For those of you visiting for the first time, the goal is to grab one hour of time within one month to do whatever you want…without the kids. It’s such an amazing proposition, I know! On the last Thursday of each month, post how you spent your time out (add my button from the right side bar or link to me) and be sure to stop here to link up and meet other Theta Moms to see how they spent their time out!
My hubby and I recently took a trip with the kids down to Florida for which I don’t really call a vacation but rather a kidcation. If you missed that fabulous trip down memory lane you can check out that post here. Aside from the drama performed by my daughter (Miss Cranky Pants) throughout the duration of the trip, I actually did manage to squeeze in some “me” time. You see, my parents actually met us down in Florida for part of the week. So having a built-in babysitter was clutch for us, especially for how things were going at the time. My kids absolutely adore their grandparents so it really was a win-win for everyone.
My parents planned to watch the kids one night so that my husband and I could grab a few drinks together…alone. Moreover, my parents recently bought a brand new convertible (they actually drove to Florida) so my hubby and I felt like two teenage kids driving around Kissimmee with the top down! We were kid free in a convertible on a gorgeous Floridian night, barely knowing where to go first since we were so excited! When my father handed my husband the keys to the car, I really felt like I was 16 and he was giving my boyfriend permission to take me out in his fancy new wheels.
So after joy-riding around town, we landed in a nice bar/restaurant and had a few drinks. Just like my last time out, my hubby and I laughed, talked and laughed some more. It was the BEST feeling to know I did not have a sippy cup falling out of my bag or a dirty diaper waiting to be changed. It was just time to be together – along with a few cocktails and the open road in a fabulous new convertible.
Now I can’t wait to read your blogs! How did you spend your one hour this month? If you are participating in Theta Mom Thursday, link up and share your time out and be sure to visit some other Theta Moms as well!
Cruising around Florida in a convertible with my hubby sounds great right about now! We haven’t done that since our honeymoon!
I’m testing this thing out mama – can you tell me if this comment is sent to your email? Thanks!
Sounds like a blast! Mental note to self….bring parents on next Disney Vacation!
Ok, well my blog post talks about having good weather, but you being in a convertable with your husband makes me “weather jealous.” Good job getting some alone time on a kidcation
I already told my parents when we go away they are coming with us to help and to give us a night where we can go out w/out kids!! And that’s awesome you got to drive around in a convertible with no kids…feels good to let go a little!
Tina – You said it! It really was a great feeling to have the top down and RELAX!!!
.-= Theta Mom´s last blog ..Flirty Aprons Review and Giveaway =-.
Sounds like a fun time! I’m glad you got some relaxing in on your vacation!
Oh WOW — What a fantastic date night for you two!!!! I bet your parents loved spending time with the kids too!
We are really hoping the Army will move us closer to home so the grandparents can spend more time with our kids… and we can actually go out on a few dates!!! But I guess anywhere State-side is closer than Germany!!
Thanks for hosting!
That sounds like pure bliss.
Sounds like such a fun evening. I am glad you got to go out like that in the midst of vacation.
Oh how fun!! When we went to Florida last year, we stayed in a condo in Kissimmee with my parents. And they watched the kids for us one night so we could go out to eat too!!
This past month, Jdaddy and I have had a couple of nights out sans kids. One was for a wedding that we had an amazing time at, and another was for a friend’s birthday party at a restaurant/bar. The bar was like Jersey Shore meets Michigan, but we still had a good time!!
Kmama – Jersey Shore meets Michigan, sounds interesting! lol
What a great evening and I’m so happy you & your hubs got to reconnect (sans sippy cups!). That is always the best feeling. My Hubs & I have a date night tomorrow. I canNOT wait!
Sounds like a great time, now I just need to get to Florida and get a convertable.
Sounds a great time out Heather. I wish my mom lives close to us. Glad you had a good time.
Sounds so fun! My husband and I celebrate our 10th anniversary this year. We think we’ll be travelling to California for an adult only trip. The plan is to do just what you ‘ve described, rent a convertible and cruise the coast with the top down!
Christine – That sounds like pure bliss!
Would you believe I had a whole day to myself this month and didn’t post about it?
Maybe I’ll get it all worked out for next time!
Miraculously I have been sneaking out for about an hour maybe once a week and heading to Borders. It is heavenly. Your trip sounded great. I know what you mean by kidcation. I absolutely love them and really look forward to them, but a kidless one is a nice change every now and then. Hoping for Vegas this year!
Nothing is better than a date night with no kids! I think it is SO necessary. Sounds like you and your hubby have a great relationship.
I hope to partake in this soon! I need this kind of push to get me to take time for myself. Why do we do that to ourselves? hmm … i don’t remember the last time i had a date with my husband – that’s bad right?! Sounds like you and husband had a great time!
Accustomed Chaos – You’re right, you DO need to take some time out for you and the hubs!
Just testing
testing again. do you get this heather?
Oh that does sound like the best time! As I was reading your post I couldn’t help thinking….Were we in Kissimmee at the same time, with our kids in tow too? LOL We stayed in a rented house in Reunion Resort for 2 weeks with lots of room to spread out so my one hour for me was easy to find. A book by the pool and I was one happy girl:)
I didn’t get a chance to write a whole post but I will next time….. BUT I did have lunch with my husband today while I was working from home!!
Sadie at heyMamas
.-= Sadie at heyMamas´s last blog ..Two bubbles =-.
Oh that sounds amazing!! Love the convertible- the perfect touch to your evening! We had a date night too for our time out this month. Bliss!
Thanks for hosting as always- love it!
.-= Ashley @ Just Another Mom of 2´s last blog ..Time Out for Theta Mom Thursday =-.
That sounds like so much fun. I think every family vacation requires Grandparents to come along.
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Technical Difficulties =-.
Can I just say that you and your hubby sound like you’d be great couple friends for me and my hubby! You guys are pretty damn cool! Love the drinks and the convertible…sounds fun, sexy, exciting and the perfect time away with the hubby!
.-= The Pursuit of Mommyness´s last blog ..Coupon Clipping Equals to $100 per Hour, Tax Free =-.
I didn’t specifically blog about it for this, but I did spend a weekend without my family! I went to Vermont with my girl’s from college. We had a blast.
My last post was about the weekend, why I didn’t lose weight this week, and there are some pictures from the weekend on there too! I am gonna go now and add my Time Out for Theta Mom Thursday button. Love when things coincide and work out like that!!!
.-= Mommy To Two Boys´s last blog ..Slimdown Sunday…On WEDNESDAY??? =-.
Sounds awesome! As I sit here looking out the window at a super gloomy, dreary and rainy day, I’m living vicariously through your post
Thanks for sharing!
.-= Angie´s last blog ..my first time out … =-.
Need to schedule a date night with just the hubs. Its been about 2 months since we had our last night out together! That’s way too long.
.-= Shari@ Tales from the Sippy Cup´s last blog ..Time out for 8 minutes in "dog years" =-.
Sorry it took me a while to link this up. My computer when crazy on me. I think I am losing it.. Boo.. I may be getting a new one..
Thanks for hosting this..
What a fun time.. LOve the car idea..
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Time out for Me has come… =-.
If only my one hour could have been in a convertible in Florida! Or anywhere remotely near a beach! That would have been awesome. I’m a midwest gal and I’m smack in the middle of the US. No beaches near me, I’m afraid.
Oh well, I’ll take my thunder and hail storms any day!
And Angie? {Who commented before me} You must be near me as my day has been rather rainy and dreary, too.
.-= Call Me Laura Jane´s last blog ..A Trip to the Tooth Torturer =-.
Love a convertible! Sounds like fun and I could use a vacation!!!
.-= Catherine B´s last blog ..Time out Thursday =-.
Hey mama, I use WordPress Thread Comment (link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-thread-comment) and there are customizable options to email the commenter when it is replied to. I just replied to your comment so you should have an email from me. The settings for this are found under Dashboard -> Settings -> WP Thread Comment. Scroll down and you’ll see the email options.
I hope this helped! Grab me on twitter if you need more info!
.-= Ashley @ Just Another Mom of 2´s last blog ..Time Out for Theta Mom Thursday: Date Night =-.
Yes, I changed the settings and updated/saved the options but I still don’t think my email is being sent….let me know if you receive this as an email! 😉
I got your email! I forwarded it back to you so you can see!
.-= Ashley @ Just Another Mom of 2´s last blog ..Time Out for Theta Mom Thursday: Date Night =-.
What a great idea! I’m in for the next one!
.-= Ivy´s last blog ..The P90X Files: Torture Has A New Meaning =-.
Sounds great – we would love for you to join us! I host this party the last Thursday of every month.
You’ve got to love when you get the chance to drive around feeling like a giddy teenager!!!!
.-= Life in the BAT Cave´s last blog ..A Night With the Girls =-.
I actually got more than an hour I got a weekend! My husband was going on a business trip and I got to tag along! I got to sleep in while he went to the office get up get ready and meet him for lunch. After lunch I did a little shopping while he went back to work. Two nights of dinner out and you have one happy and relaxed Wife and momma!
Top down in Florida sounds great! Hope you are doing well!
Last weekend my husband and I got to go out with another couple for a double ‘time out’ date night. We ate a great meal, drank a couple bottles of wine and then came back to my place (long after the kiddo’s were asleep) and played wii into the wee hours of the morning. So. Much. Fun.
After the week we’ve had around her since, I’m pretty thankful for that night of fun and levity. So thanks Heather! Knowing I needed to do my ‘time out’ pushed me to organize that night.
.-= The Grown-Up Child´s last blog ..At the Hands of Fate =-.
Oh so much fun you two had!!
.-= gayle´s last blog ..My Anti – Depressant Drug of Choice =-.