Last week, I wrote a post about the 3 Secrets to Getting ‘Return’ Blog Followers and I received an astounding response. As readers and bloggers, this topic completely resonated with you. Many of you left some really thoughtful comments, some followed up with questions and others shared that the post made them reflect on their own following practices.
I love reading your comments, every single one of them. No comment ever goes unnoticed. As I mentioned in that post, a supportive blogger reaches out to others in some way; this certainly doesn’t mean a comment for every comment or visit for every visit. However, it does mean that it is important to get to know your readers because building a community means establishing relationships and making connections. If you don’t comment, respond, visit, email, tweet, chat or stumble at some point, then how are you really relating with your readership?
Blogging is interactive and engaging. When I publish a post I am sharing content but moreover, I am creating dialogue. This is never static. Blogging is an evolving process that is always changing and the dynamic that keeps this process changing is the interaction of its readership. Readership is the reason blogs continue to thrive.
For a moment, think of a super popular blog and the major following that blog has. Of course the blogger behind that blog makes it fabulous through compelling content and great blog design, but the readers that support those blogs are the very reason they reach superstar status. Essentially, blogging wouldn’t be much if the dynamic of interaction was not a major element. If this was the case, many blogs would have the comments turned off or be published privately without the public knowledge and recognition of others input. This is why as bloggers, we love comments! We want to continue the conversation and know that someone else is reading, interpreting and responding to our ideas.
So, how can you establish your own community and continue to build your readership? My answer is short: utilize social media to its fullest. If you want others to make a connection with you then you need to make a connection with them as well.
Now, I am certainly not a perfect blogger with all of the answers, nor do I claim to be. I am still learning as I go through this process as well. However, what I do know for sure is that the beauty of blogging is you can publish whatever you want because it is your blog. So while some bloggers are looking to build a following, others do not share in this goal. If you are looking to build a readership, then read on because I am sharing the two social media platforms that I use everyday and in my opinion, are essential for any blogger that wants to grow his/her blog.
Twitter is the number one way for others on the web to “find” you and your blog. Think about when you first started your blog. You created your first post and couldn’t wait until tons of comments came in. Then, you were disappointed to find that you only received three. Why? Not because your content was terrible or your design needed work. It’s because nobody knew you existed. You could have the most brilliant posts and gorgeous design, but it doesn’t matter if nobody knows where to find you. Twitter will help you to establish an online presence, but YOU have to make that happen. This takes a lot of time and hard work. You can’t just join Twitter and then tweet your own links all day long and never interact with anyone. Nobody wants to follow someone who only tweets about themselves.
Just like blogging, it’s a two way street. Do I promote my new posts and giveaways? Of course I do. But, I also use Twitter by maximizing its potential in which I begin a conversation, ask questions and put myself out there. I want to get to know my peeps and Twitter is the perfect place to establish those connections. Here’s a little experiment to try: The next time you are about to follow someone on Twitter take a peek at their stream. Are they tweeting with others and engaging in conversation or at others by just supplying a bunch of links? There is such a difference and those that engage in conversation are the ones who will be followed.
So if you are a new blogger, create an account and get started! If you are already using Twitter, then tweet more with those you follow and begin following others of interest and begin a dialogue. Get out there and start tweeting not just about your site, but with others and get to know them. You will be amazed at how this interaction will quickly build your following. At the same time, it will help you to promote some of your posts to potential readers that may not have found you otherwise. And don’t just tweet, retweet as well. Bloggers are very receptive to those who retweet their posts and you will find they will reciprocate the retweet love when you need it. You can check out my new custom Twitter background (I’m so freakin’ excited about it) and follow Theta Mom on Twitter here.
Facebook is the second best platform for others to “find” your blog and is a great place to make connections. Honestly, I was very hesitant at first about joining Facebook. Although I may post pictures of my children on this blog, I do not share their names, birthdays, etc., and since I don’t even share my last name, creating an account on Facebook didn’t seem so advantageous to me. This was until I learned you can create a fan page for your own website without having to “friend” everyone and their mom. {Although, I do think it is good karma to friend those that friend you, especially if they are fellow bloggers.}
Just like Twitter, sharing a new link or post on Facebook through a fan page can be seen by many instantly. Furthermore, once someone becomes a fan of your site, your link shows up on their page. So just like the power of Twitter, your link is now in a place to be “seen” by others who may not have found you otherwise. But again, you need to take the time to converse with your peeps, reply to their comments and get to know them. Just like Twitter, it takes time and effort to maintain these relationships, but it’s so worth it! You can become a fan of Theta Mom here.
So, what’s the bottom line? As many of you already know, building a readership takes a lot of time and hard work. A huge following doesn’t happen overnight, but by putting yourself out there to network through social media and connect with the very people who enjoy your blog will help to get you there.
Building a community means establishing relationships and making connections and at the end of the day, isn’t that what blogging is all about?
I so agree that it is important to build a readership/community. I truly believe our blogs are nothing without our readers, and it’s important to share the love.
I must admit, I’m quite the newbie with twitter, but your post reminds me that I need to be more active on there:)
I completely agree that Twitter and Facebook are important elements to gain an active readership. I’m still learning how to best use both of those forums for my blog. The problem I have with Facebook is when I log on I can lose hours of my life doing nothing but silly stuff (I don’t do Farmville or Mafia Wars but I do catch up with people there). The biggest problem I have had with Facebook is that people will read my blog, which I feed to FB, and comment but they do so on Facebook never actually coming to my site and getting involved there. I know the answer is in posting an excerpt of my post rather than the whole thing but I have a feeling that they simply won’t comment or visit if I do that. I have found that the people on Facebook who comment there are my real live friends (people I knew before I started blogging, who have no blog of their own) they are reluctant to visit my site and I don’t know how to bridge that gap.
Anyway, great article, very important things to consider and implement for a better blog. Now I need to go and change my layout…
Oh my goodness! I just finished a post (to be published tomorrow) about this very topic – although not written quite as eloquently and chock full of information. Great mind, huh? Thank you for being the supportive blogger YOU are. It’s why I love visiting you every day!
You are always being so helpful to all the bloggers. Thank you! I am working on my “networking” skills, lol. As much as I enjoy Twitter and Facebook I should use it more.
Have a blessed day!
Ladies – Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments and valuable input. So glad you enjoyed this post and found it resourceful!
I love these posts! I’ve learned so much from everything you’ve had to say about blogging – thank you. I’m going to check out the facebook suggestion next.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Stopping by from MBC FFF! Hope you’re having a great weekend!!!
Been here before, but always enjoy! Thanks for the advice, suggestions and help! You rock!
This post is so perfectly timed for me! I adore blogging. Love reading posts, and commenting, but I think I need to focus a little bit more of my energy on twitter (totally not using it to it’s fullest potential) and facebook. Sage advice my friend. I love every single follower and hope to find a way to convey that to them!
I joined Twitter but don’t know the ins-and-outs of it yet. I do have links to my posts, but with work schedule and kids/hubby, I focus my time on my blog posts and reading blogs I follow. I don’t really have the time to form relationships there, and for some reason it’s a bit scarier. I’m comfortable with my followers because they are all mom bloggers like me, but I’m worried about who just might connect to me from Twitter…
Just wanted to add a footnote to my comment: I have only one follower on Twitter but when I clicked on her, there was nothing about who she was, just who she followed. This is what makes me nervous…
Susan – There are many “spammy” people on Twitter, you just have to simply block them from your stream. I would not let a few deter you from using it.
I do use Twitter and Facebook and it has increased my readership. But I am also finding I am spending more time on Facebook than blogging. Addictions!!
Great tips! Happy Valentine’s Day!
thank you so much for this information i have a blog and a tweeter account but I just have not know how to go about using it. I also use facebook for my blog. thanks again for the info. visiting from sits.
I agree that readers make a blog happen. Writing & the writer behind the blog bring them there but without the readers it would just be you talking to yourself. And connecting through various mediums is a great way to get to build relationships. Organizing time is essential but like everything in life it’s doable.
So here’s my questions: Have you thought about adding in the future a comminity section here (given the focus of your blog I think it would be a great fit) & have you considered a subdomain that contains blogging advice?
I know both of those require a larger time commitment but the subdomain could be done fairly easy & could feature these types of posts w/ advice from other Thetamoms (maybe as guest posts). Anyway just an idea like you aren’t already busy
Heather, I really like this post. Those are all great tips. I love social media. I love the connections and even more – the conversation. But I find it hard to balance it all out with my actual life. I always feel that pull. When I’m online I’m thinking about all the things I should be doing around the house and with my family and friends. And when I’m not I’m wondering what I’m missing.
If only there were more hours in the day!
I agree with Carolyn. I would love to make a ton of connections with all the people that visit my blog. Unfortunately, I am a mom and wife first and foremost. I don’t even begin blogging until 10 or 11pm. There is just not enough time in my day to get it all done. I do the best I can and hope that people understand because their families come first as well. I don’t know how some of you do it??? I would appreciate any tips on how you balance it all.
Thanks for this great article! I’ve never even considered using Twitter or FB as a way to promote my blog before, but I cherish the friendships I’ve already make through blogging and it’s a great idea to use those social media sites as a way to connect even more. Thanks!
Your blog is amazing. Thanks for all the helpful information — I have to admit that I’m pretty clueless when it comes to promoting my blog – have found myself frustrated at not knowing what to do. Because I stay home with my kids I never found it necessary to join twitter which I thought was mostly for texting and cell phones. I’ll look into it now. Followed you over from MBC…really enjoy reading your content and will be following you now.
This is why I love ya so much! You are always helping people… love twitter, facebook, email etc… but lately have been a slacker.. I know a slacker with everything.. I am job hunting right now.. so it is taking my time up along with the painting that will take FOREVER to finish.
THANK you thank you for always commenting on my blog I appreciate it!
Love this post! It is really true. You are a very good example of what a good blogger does. You have fantastic content, beautiful layout, and you really practice what you preach. I love watching and learning from you. I am a fairly new blogger and I strongly believe in following examples. I will follow yours. You are really good at what you do.
Thank you!
What wonderful, sound advice! However I just CAN’T bring myself to twitter!!!! Maybe one day
I am following you now…I thought I was before and was quite surprised when I realized I wasn’t a follower. I really enjoyed this post! And I love twitter
I am following you on twitter, and have been.
Theta Mom, you are so wise and so sweet the way you are constantly trying to help other bloggers. I love all your input and suggestions and I adore you!!!
I’ve always been a big fan of social networking. I used it for my old business when I was growing it. I used it personally just to play around all over the internet. I like have a “presence”. Blogging is just another extension of that for me. Twitter is the biggest “tool” I’ve used to help expand my blogging relationships. I love it…but ONLY for blogging. I don’t use it for personal interaction. I also have a separate FB for personal and one for blogging (I just added a fan page to my blogging FB account).
I agree! I get frustrated with twitter because when you hit over 500 followers the tweets are all over the place. I guess, I need to spend some more time there. On facebook I have a “page” called Mom’s Best Bets..I wonder if this is the same as a fan page-going to check it out-you write about such great topics-thanks!
I am on Twitter but I admit it intimidates me a little and I don’t use it often because I don’t feel like I really understand how to communicate with other people using it. Great post, thanks for the info.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Been Away on an Island =-.
I feel naive for saying it, but I never thought of Twitter as a conversation-starter. I’m not currently using it for anything more than sharing my posts, but you’re right – who wants that? Thank you for helping me come up with a good bloggy goal – to use Twitter more effectively for my blog. And Happy SITS Day to you again!
.-= Elizabeth a.k.a. Type A Mommy´s last blog ..Oreo Chocolate White Chocolate Chunk Cookies =-.
Happy Sits day!
.-= Double Wide Mom´s last blog ..Meet My Friend, LOLA =-.
Great top three posts! Thanks so much for the fantastic information! Happy SITS Day!
.-= Herself´s last blog ..Change of Address =-.
Thanks for this advice! I’ve been struggling to use Twitter more effectively. Its such an overwhelming flow of info. So I’m trying to be patient with myself. I think I’ll get there eventually… now off to follow you… Happy SITS day!!
.-= Melissa @Cellulite Investigation´s last blog ..The Digestion Dossier: Identifying a Food Sensitivity =-.
I have not joined up with The Twitter gang…yet. I understand what a valuable tool it is, but I know what Twitter would do to me. My attempt at creating a balanced life right now is teetering precariously as we speak when it comes to social networking, so for now I am trying very diligently to do it without another element that I know will just suck me right in.
.-= joann mannix´s last blog ..Breaking The Rules =-.
Wow, this post is fabulous. I have been blogging for a little over 3 years and I am just getting into Twitter. I am having a hard time figuring it all out, but I am getting there! This post really helped! Thanks!
.-= Denice´s last blog ..Hey Dude Skincare™ =-.
I agree that these sights do help get the word out about your blog. I don’t have time for twitter but I have set up a fan page on facebook with great results.
.-= Amber Hurd´s last blog ..Coupon Lingo =-.
Tempting, tempting. I try to be blognonymous, so connecting my blog with my facebook is not ideal. Is it self-defeating to value your privacy and want a high readership?
.-= Miz Dinah Gogina´s last blog ..Twi-hard With a Vengeance =-.
Miz Dinah Gogina –
My “personal” Facebook page is very similar to myTheta Mom fan page, as I do not share my last name, place of employment, education, childrens’ names, etc. Everything I add to that page I am assuming can be seen by all – just like this site. Therefore, I don’t have a privacy issue, as I am selective on what I share. Perhaps this would be an option for you as well?
Hope this helps – and so glad you stopped by!
This is such a great post. I don’t have a Facebook account for my blog but I do believe I’ll set one up soon. I do use Twitter but I’m going to use it a little differently now. Thanks for these great tips!
.-= Teresa @ Red Velvet Confections´s last blog ..Dancing Lights =-.
Great advice! I definitely need to be optimizing my Twitter. I’m new to it and still learning about it. I’ll follow you on Twitter!
Here from SITS…Have a great day!
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Big Brother’s Big Day! =-.
I love getting comments on my blog, they really make my day.
I am now following you on Twitter, thought your new background was adorable.
.-= Marie Cole´s last blog ..Sensomatic =-.
Wow!! You’re really good at this!! I just write, haha!! I do you twitter and facebook I guess, but it sorta all came naturally.
I LOVED your post about the Dr. Brown’s sippy cups coming off the market by the way!! great job mom!
.-= futuremama´s last blog ..If I Was a Rich Girl… =-.
Great post! I am on Twitter but I am not very good at using it. This post was very helpful.
.-= Life With Vivian – Loving Every Minute´s last blog ..Why do I blog? =-.
This is a great post – but honestly I don’t understand twitter. How to find people, what to talk about. I had no idea you could do facebook for your blog site only. That is something to look into! I don’t do facebook personally bc my husband thinks it is a dating site! LOL. Anyway, this is wonderful advice for networking. I am going to start looking into it! Still, I get the twit thing.But I will try it…!
.-= Land of Mama Grits´s last blog ..A little wordless wednesday, a little doggy submission =-.
I started a twitter account for my blog – now on to find folks to follow!
.-= Land of Mama Grits´s last blog ..A little wordless wednesday, a little doggy submission =-.
well, I don’t know why but I am so hesitant to sign up for Twitter. I have no clue what it’s all about. I have a personal Facebook page (before I started my blog) so does that count? Or do I need a separate FB page for my blog? I’m starting to see that Blogging is a job in itself! Thanks for the informative post!
.-= Uyen´s last blog ..what happened to the lazy days of summer =-.
Love this post. The part about now just tweeting at people, but tweeting with them was helpful. You emphasized how blogging really is about connecting with others.
Twitter is my favorite conduit when trying to reach out to others. It’s so easy to say something quick that lets others see YOU and who YOU are. Facebook gives me trouble. My posts are there via feed, but I now have three FB an Twitter accounts (totally wishing I had just kept my original for both). I hate logging out, logging back in, logging back out again. etc….Really wish that you could have multiple accounts on one interface!
Yes I know about twitter feed and hoot suite..not the same